A tematização sobre o corpo consciente na educação física escolar: um diálogo à luz da pedagogia de Paulo Freire

Autor: Martins, Raphaell Moreira, Nogueira, Pedro Henrique Silvestre
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Revista de Educação Popular; 2021: Edição Especial "A práxis educativa em uma perspectiva freireana" (ISSN 1982-7660); 259-276
Revista de educação popular
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)
ISSN: 1982-7660
Popis: This study analyzes a systematization proposal called conscious body in school physical education anchored in Freirean pedagogy, as well as structure its objects of knowledge in a didactic sequence. It is characterized by being a qualitative research and adopts as a methodological strategy the bibliographic research, having as main reference the works of Paulo Freire that use the concept studied. Its structure is subdivided into four topics, which: conceptually demarcation the concept of Conscious Body adopted for school Physical Education; glimpses the Thematic Unit of the Conscious Body and its respective objects of knowledge; expresses a possibility of systematization of this Thematic Unit in Elementary and High School; shares an opportunistic didactic sequence in the remote teaching period in the first half of 2021. It concludes, therefore, that the Thematic Unit of the Conscious Body proves the diversity of objects of study that can be themed in school Physical Education, promotes the return of studies on the Body, from a Freirean perspective and that can effectively promote a reading of body practices historically produced by humanity. This is because the Conscious Body is able to dialogue with the promotion of collective health and other thematic units. This study analyzes a systematization proposal called Conscious Body in school physical education anchored in Freirean pedagogy, as well as structuring its objects of knowledge in a didactic sequence. It is characterized by being a qualitative research and adopting, as a methodological strategy, the bibliographic research, having as main reference the works of Paulo Freire that use the concept studied. Its structure is subdivided into four topics, which: conceptually outline the concept of Conscious Body adopted for school Physical Education; glances at the Thematic Unit of the Conscious Body and its respective objects of knowledge; expresses a possibility of systematization of this Thematic Unit in Elementary and High School; shares an opportunistic didactic sequence in the remote teaching period of the first half of 2021. It concludes, therefore, that the Thematic Unit of the Conscious Body proves the diversity of objects of study that can be themed in school Physical Education, promotes the return of studies on the Body, from a freirean perspective and that can effectively promote a reading of body practices historically produced by humanity. This is because the Conscious Body is able to dialogue with the promotion of collective health and other thematic units. Este estudo analisa uma proposta de sistematização denominada Corpo Consciente na Educação Física escolar ancorada na pedagogia freiriana, assim como estrutura seus objetos de conhecimento em uma sequência didática. Caracteriza-se por ser uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo e adota como estratégia metodológica a pesquisa bibliográfica, tendo como principal referência obras de Paulo Freire que utilizam o conceito estudado. Sua estrutura está subdivida em quatro tópicos, que: demarca o conceito de Corpo Consciente adotado para a Educação Física escolar; vislumbra a Unidade Temática do Corpo Consciente e seus respectivos objetos de conhecimento; expressa uma possibilidade de sistematização dessa Unidade Temática no Ensino Fundamental e no Ensino Médio; compartilha uma sequência didática oportunizada no período de ensino remoto no primeiro semestre de 2021. Conclui, portanto, que a Unidade Temática do Corpo Consciente comprova a diversidade de objetos de estudo que podem ser tematizados na Educação Física escolar; promove o retorno dos estudos sobre o Corpo, por meio de uma perspectiva freiriana e que pode efetivamente promover uma leitura das práticas corporais historicamente produzidas pela humanidade. Isso porque o Corpo Consciente consegue dialogar com a promoção da saúde coletiva e as demais unidades temáticas.
Databáze: OpenAIRE