Body and deprivation of freedom: a study with prisoners in the city of Manaus

Autor: Oliveira, Hellen Pereira
Přispěvatelé: Soares, Artemis de Ara??jo, Justamand, Michel, Wolkoff, Gisele Giandoni
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFAM
Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM)
Popis: Submitted by Hellen Oliveira ( on 2022-07-07T16:39:49Z No. of bitstreams: 4 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Disserta????o de Mestrado - Hellen Pereira Oliveira.pdf: 1147829 bytes, checksum: 5fdc820fa4b33b6b43412c5c914c141a (MD5) CARTA DE ENCAMINHAMENTO DE ALUNO PARA O AUTODEPOSITO - HELLEN PEREIRA OLIVEIRA.pdf: 330323 bytes, checksum: c4db06981644aa5ed850426732285713 (MD5) ATA DEFESA HELLEN assinada (1).pdf: 1112031 bytes, checksum: 23367c9669215c98db24b52988a5deec (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by PPGSCA Sociedade e Cultura na Amaz??nia ( on 2022-07-07T20:27:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 4 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Disserta????o de Mestrado - Hellen Pereira Oliveira.pdf: 1147829 bytes, checksum: 5fdc820fa4b33b6b43412c5c914c141a (MD5) CARTA DE ENCAMINHAMENTO DE ALUNO PARA O AUTODEPOSITO - HELLEN PEREIRA OLIVEIRA.pdf: 330323 bytes, checksum: c4db06981644aa5ed850426732285713 (MD5) ATA DEFESA HELLEN assinada (1).pdf: 1112031 bytes, checksum: 23367c9669215c98db24b52988a5deec (MD5) Rejected by Divis??o de Documenta????o/BC Biblioteca Central (, reason: Carta de Encaminhamento ??? corrigir o nome da orientadora, que consta como "Erro! Autorefer??ncia de indicador n??o v??lida". on 2022-07-11T17:48:50Z (GMT) Submitted by Hellen Oliveira ( on 2022-07-14T18:58:22Z No. of bitstreams: 3 Disserta????o de Mestrado - Hellen Pereira Oliveira.pdf: 1147829 bytes, checksum: 5fdc820fa4b33b6b43412c5c914c141a (MD5) ATA DEFESA HELLEN assinada (1).pdf: 1112031 bytes, checksum: 23367c9669215c98db24b52988a5deec (MD5) CARTA DE ENCAMINHAMENTO DE ALUNO PARA O AUTODEPOSITO - HPO.pdf: 46854 bytes, checksum: cc41f9ca739698c707c866ce032080f2 (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by PPGSCA Sociedade e Cultura na Amaz??nia ( on 2022-08-04T13:47:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 Disserta????o de Mestrado - Hellen Pereira Oliveira.pdf: 1147829 bytes, checksum: 5fdc820fa4b33b6b43412c5c914c141a (MD5) ATA DEFESA HELLEN assinada (1).pdf: 1112031 bytes, checksum: 23367c9669215c98db24b52988a5deec (MD5) CARTA DE ENCAMINHAMENTO DE ALUNO PARA O AUTODEPOSITO - HPO.pdf: 46854 bytes, checksum: cc41f9ca739698c707c866ce032080f2 (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by Divis??o de Documenta????o/BC Biblioteca Central ( on 2022-08-08T18:18:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 Disserta????o de Mestrado - Hellen Pereira Oliveira.pdf: 1147829 bytes, checksum: 5fdc820fa4b33b6b43412c5c914c141a (MD5) ATA DEFESA HELLEN assinada (1).pdf: 1112031 bytes, checksum: 23367c9669215c98db24b52988a5deec (MD5) CARTA DE ENCAMINHAMENTO DE ALUNO PARA O AUTODEPOSITO - HPO.pdf: 46854 bytes, checksum: cc41f9ca739698c707c866ce032080f2 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2022-08-08T18:18:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 Disserta????o de Mestrado - Hellen Pereira Oliveira.pdf: 1147829 bytes, checksum: 5fdc820fa4b33b6b43412c5c914c141a (MD5) ATA DEFESA HELLEN assinada (1).pdf: 1112031 bytes, checksum: 23367c9669215c98db24b52988a5deec (MD5) CARTA DE ENCAMINHAMENTO DE ALUNO PARA O AUTODEPOSITO - HPO.pdf: 46854 bytes, checksum: cc41f9ca739698c707c866ce032080f2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2022-06-28 CAPES - Coordena????o de Aperfei??oamento de Pessoal de N??vel Superior The present dissertation is a deep look at the prison system in the city of Manaus, a look that sought to ascertain the difficulties and resilience of these bodies deprived of liberty, seeking in this way to transpose in the course of these pages what was found during the unfolding of this renowned Master's degree course. According to Castro (2018) when interpreting Foucault, we can speak of literature in the modern sense of the term when this language, in which semiology and exegesis are superimposed, is no longer subordinated to both objects and the subject; when its function is no longer to name the things of the external world or to express the ideas or feelings of the internal world, but to speak of itself, to refer to itself. Modern literature exists only in the network of books already written. That said, I emphasize the importance of writing about these people who are often forgotten, or even interpreted as the scum of society. The work being described at the moment answered the following questions: How does the body behave when it understands the situation of prison? How does the subject see himself in the situation of a person deprived of liberty? What are the physical and psychological impacts perceived by bodies deprived of liberty? What kind of corporeality survives from the Penitentiary System? It was a study that transcended interdisciplinarity, linking sociology and psychology, with the objective of clarifying and highlighting the benefits caused by a different look at the aforementioned public. The methodology used is of a qualitative nature, with the application of discourse analysis as a methodological approach, which was based on Michel Foucault's theory, based on a descriptive, exploratory field perspective, through on-site observation of the phenomenon to be unveiled. The research technique used was the application of a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions, the application of the Life History method as a methodological approach was presented continuously - emphasizing that this technique was developed by Znaniescki, in Poland, characterizing decades then as a method of collecting data on the subject in their social relationships and contexts as they are inserted. The bibliographic research was present in most of the development of the work and had a crucial importance in the construction process, collaborating for the discovery of theorists that allowed the reflection on the topics addressed. A presente disserta????o trata-se de um profundo olhar para o sistema prisional na cidade de Manaus, olhar esse que procurou apurar as dificuldades e a resili??ncia desses corpos privados de liberdade, buscando, dessa maneira, transpor no decorrer dessas p??ginas o apurado durante o desenrolar desse conceituado curso de mestrado. Segundo Castro (2018) ao interpretar Foucault, podemos falar de literatura no sentido moderno do termo quando essa linguagem, em que semiologia e exegese se superp??em, deixa de estar subordinada tanto aos objetos como ao sujeito; quando a sua fun????o j?? n??o consiste em nomear as coisas do mundo exterior ou em expressar as ideias ou os sentimentos do mundo interior, mas em falar de si mesmo, em remeter a si mesmo. A literatura moderna existe s?? na rede dos livros j?? escritos. Dito isso, ressalto a import??ncia em escrever sobre essas pessoas que, por muitas vezes, s??o esquecidas ou at?? interpretadas como a esc??ria da sociedade. O trabalho que est?? sendo descrito no momento presente respondeu as seguintes quest??es: De que maneira o corpo se comporta quando entende a situa????o de c??rcere? Como o sujeito se v?? na situa????o de pessoa privada de liberdade? Quais os impactos f??sicos e psicol??gicos percebidos pelos corpos com priva????o de liberdade? Que tipo de corporeidade sobrevive a partir do Sistema Penitenci??rio? Tratou-se de um estudo que transcendeu a interdisciplinaridade, interligando sociologia e psicologia, com o objetivo de clarificar e ressaltar os benef??cios provocados por um olhar diferenciado ao p??blico supracitado. A metodologia utilizada ?? de natureza qualitativa, sendo a aplica????o da an??lise do discurso como abordagem metodol??gica, que teve como base a teoria de Michel Foucault, pautada na ??tica descritiva, explorat??ria de campo, por meio da observa????o no local do fen??meno a ser desvelado. A t??cnica de pesquisa utilizada foi a aplica????o de question??rio semiestruturado com perguntas abertas e fechadas. A aplica????o do m??todo da Hist??ria de Vida como abordagem metodol??gica se apresentou de forma cont??nua - ressaltando que essa t??cnica foi desenvolvida por Znaniescki, na Pol??nia, caracterizando-se d??cadas depois como m??todo de coleta de dados do sujeito em suas rela????es sociais e contextos conforme est??o inseridos. J?? a pesquisa bibliogr??fica se fez presente na maior parte do desenvolvimento do trabalho e teve import??ncia crucial no processo de constru????o, colaborando para a descoberta de te??ricos que permitiram a reflex??o acerca dos assuntos abordados
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