Entre rios e floresta: do povoado de Terru?? ?? cidade de Pauini-AM

Autor: Almeida, Omar Neto Pio de
Přispěvatelé: Schor, Tatiana, Oliveira, Jos?? Aldemir de, Bartoli, Estevan, Santana, Paola Verri de
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFAM
Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM)
Popis: Submitted by OMAR ALMEIDA (homar_almeida@hotmail.com) on 2022-07-11T18:22:30Z No. of bitstreams: 3 Disserta????o_OmarAlmeida_PPGEOG.pdf: 7735424 bytes, checksum: 72e68af24a64479dd10d38a78716206e (MD5) Carta de Encaminhamento - Omar Almeida.pdf: 117260 bytes, checksum: 03435ba0d3d733287302a438fef765a0 (MD5) Ata de Defesa - Omar Pinto.pdf: 185013 bytes, checksum: fd965034f45dd626afd670922e8b8174 (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by PPGGEO Geografia (ppgeog@ufam.edu.br) on 2022-07-11T18:25:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 Disserta????o_OmarAlmeida_PPGEOG.pdf: 7735424 bytes, checksum: 72e68af24a64479dd10d38a78716206e (MD5) Carta de Encaminhamento - Omar Almeida.pdf: 117260 bytes, checksum: 03435ba0d3d733287302a438fef765a0 (MD5) Ata de Defesa - Omar Pinto.pdf: 185013 bytes, checksum: fd965034f45dd626afd670922e8b8174 (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by Divis??o de Documenta????o/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2022-07-13T15:16:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 Disserta????o_OmarAlmeida_PPGEOG.pdf: 7735424 bytes, checksum: 72e68af24a64479dd10d38a78716206e (MD5) Carta de Encaminhamento - Omar Almeida.pdf: 117260 bytes, checksum: 03435ba0d3d733287302a438fef765a0 (MD5) Ata de Defesa - Omar Pinto.pdf: 185013 bytes, checksum: fd965034f45dd626afd670922e8b8174 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2022-07-13T15:16:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 Disserta????o_OmarAlmeida_PPGEOG.pdf: 7735424 bytes, checksum: 72e68af24a64479dd10d38a78716206e (MD5) Carta de Encaminhamento - Omar Almeida.pdf: 117260 bytes, checksum: 03435ba0d3d733287302a438fef765a0 (MD5) Ata de Defesa - Omar Pinto.pdf: 185013 bytes, checksum: fd965034f45dd626afd670922e8b8174 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2022-05-31 CAPES - Coordena????o de Aperfei??oamento de Pessoal de N??vel Superior This study seeks to understand the city of Pauini in the urban net of the gutter of the river Purus. Her space formation and location are objects of this research. Pauini is located in the gutter of the river Purus, to the Southwest of Amazon. We will leave of the changes and permanence, since the year from 1949 to 2020, analyzing the services presented in this municipality, originating from of the progress of the techniques that they appear in the city with the changes, on a migration period for the high rivers of the Amazonian and the occupation of the places to the city formation. Those factors raise it a cycle of Jesuit evangelizations and in the high rivers Madeira, Juru?? and Purus, interlinked to the eraser production in the Amazonian. That process influences in the demographic density of the city, when the workers migrate of the rubber plantations for Pauini at the end of the year of 1960 for the drop search of the eraser, with crescent migratory movement towards the city due to the increase of the offer of the basic services (school, health and infrastructure) starting from the decade of 1970. The changes are not necessarily a rupture, they involve different subjects, molding and being moulded in the geographical space. The relationship particularized between man and nature, intensified in the area by the direct relationship with rivers and forest, she does of the small singular Amazonian city. The demographic growth seems to present signs of what is called development or progress in the city starting from the importance that she will carry out in the urban net of the area. Starting from literary revision on the urban space, field researches were accomplished in two moments. During the first wave of the pandemic, among the months of January to march of 2020 to september and november of 2021, following all of safety's protocols and health against the virus (COVID19), with application of 250 questionnaires divided among residents, (new and old), government and municipal institutions in the city of Pauini and Manaus. On the qualitative and quantitative indicators, the emergence of services can be denoted as the bank employee, internet and movable telephony, which can be considered "late" in a logic of a national scale. However, that is the specific time of Pauini, the time of her social construction originating from of the agents' space production. And that time influences directly in the changes happened in the urban space. It???s a slow time, it is not necessarily late, but that obeys it a logic of own reproduction, the agents' of Pauini logic, involved in the dynamics of the city by the importance in Rio Purus's urban net. Este estudo visa compreender a cidade de Pauini na rede urbana da calha do rio Purus. Sua forma????o espacial e localiza????o s??o objetos desta pesquisa. Pauini est?? localizado na calha do rio Purus, ao sudoeste do Amazonas. Partiremos das mudan??as e perman??ncia, desde o ano de 1949 a 2020, analisando os servi??os ofertados nesta municipalidade, oriundos do avan??o das t??cnicas que aparecem na cidade com as mudan??as, sobre um per??odo de migra????o para os altos rios da Amaz??nia e a ocupa????o dos lugares at?? a forma????o de cidade. Esses fatores remontam a um ciclo de evangeliza????es jesu??ticas e nos altos rios Madeira, Juru?? e Purus, interligados ?? produ????o de borracha na Amaz??nia. Esse processo influencia na densidade demogr??fica da cidade, quando os trabalhadores migram dos seringais para Pauini no fim do ano de 1960 pela baixa procura da borracha, com crescente movimento migrat??rio em dire????o ?? cidade devido ao aumento da oferta dos servi??os b??sicos (escola, sa??de e infraestrutura) a partir da d??cada de 1970. As mudan??as n??o s??o necessariamente uma ruptura, envolvem diferentes sujeitos, moldando e sendo moldadas no espa??o geogr??fico. A rela????o particularizada entre homem e natureza, intensificada na regi??o pela rela????o direta com rios e floresta, faz da pequena cidade Amaz??nica singular. O crescimento demogr??fico parece apresentar sinais do que se denomina desenvolvimento ou progresso na cidade a partir da import??ncia que ela ir?? desempenhar na rede urbana da regi??o. A partir de revis??o liter??ria sobre o espa??o urbano, foram realizadas pesquisas de campo em dois momentos. Durante a primeira onda da pandemia, entre os meses de janeiro a mar??o de 2020 a setembro e novembro de 2021, seguindo todos os protocolos de seguran??a e sa??de contra o v??rus (COVID19), com aplica????o de 250 question??rios divididos entre moradores, (novos e antigos), institui????es governamental e municipal na cidade de Pauini e Manaus. Sobre os indicadores qualitativo e quantitativo, pode-se denotar o aparecimento de servi??os como o banc??rio, internet e telefonia m??vel, os quais podem ser considerados ???tardios??? numa l??gica de uma escala nacional. Entretanto, esse ?? o tempo espec??fico de Pauini, o tempo da sua constru????o social oriundo da produ????o espacial dos agentes. E esse tempo influencia diretamente nas mudan??as ocorridas no espa??o urbano. ?? um tempo lento, n??o necessariamente ?? atrasado, mas que obedece a uma l??gica de reprodu????o pr??pria, a l??gica dos agentes de Pauini, envolvidos na din??mica da cidade pela import??ncia na rede urbana do Rio Purus.
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