Autor: Marcílio Gonçalves dos Santos , Arnoldo, Gatto, Alcides, Pereira Oliveira , Elisiana, Ribeiro, Fabiana Piontekowski, Elias Reis Hodecker, Bárbara, Pereira Bussinguer , Angela, de Faria Ferreira, Natália Cássia
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Nativa; v. 10 n. 3 (2022); 341-350
Nativa; Vol. 10 No. 3 (2022); 341-350
Nativa (Sinop)
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT)
ISSN: 2318-7670
Popis: The objective was to evaluate the effects of different land use systems on soil quality. The study was carried out at the Confiança Experimental Field - Embrapa - RR. Eight land uses were evaluated in 50 x 50 m plots; forest, capoeira (a kind of secondary forest), managed capoeira, agroforestry without using inputs, agroforestry using inputs, altered pasture, managed pasture and a peach palm/heart palm production system. Mesofauna was obtained using a Berlese-Tullgren funnel, samples were collected with a 5 x 5 cm probe, introduced into the soil at a depth of 5 cm. The samples were sorted using the group experts key. The following were evaluated: biological characterization of the mesofauna and frequency and diversity of the Collembola group. The environments showed high diversification of mesofauna orders, with the highest frequencies in environments with greater ground cover. The use of peach palm/heart palm soil stood out, with high diversity of order and individuals, equivalent to environments with greater soil cover. Invertebrates soil diversity can be better studied and is a good indicator of soil quality. O objetivo foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes sistemas do uso da terra na qualidade do solo. O estudo foi realizado no Campo Experimental Confiança - Embrapa - RR. Foram avaliados oito usos da terra em parcelas de 50 x 50 m; floresta, capoeira, capoeira manejada, agrofloresta sem insumos, agrofloresta com insumos, pastagem alterada, pastagem manejada e um sistema de produção de pupunha/palmito. Em cada uso do solo projetou-se sobre um transecto na diagonal do terreno, para obtenção de cinco pontos amostrais, onde foram realizadas coletas de solo/serapilheira. A mesofauna foi obtida utilizando funil de Berlese-Tullgren, as amostras foram coletadas com sonda de 5 x 5 cm, introduzida no solo a 5 cm de profundidade. As amostras foram triadas adontando-se a chave de especialistas do grupo. Foram avaliadas: caracterização biológica da mesofauna e frequência e diversidade do grupo Collembola. Os ambientes apresentaram elevada diversificação de ordens de mesofauna, com as maiores frequências em ambientes com maior cobertura do solo. Houve destaque no uso do solo pupunheira/palmito, com alta diversidade de ordem e indivíduos, equivalentes aos ambientes de maior cobertura do solo. A diversidade de invertebrados do solo pode ser mais bem estudada e apresenta-se como bom indicador de qualidade do solo. Palavras-chave: ação antrópica; manejo do solo; biodiversidade. Land use on the diversity of soil invertebrates in the forest region of the amazon ABSTRACT: The objective was to evaluate the effects of different land use systems on soil quality. The study was carried out at the Confiança Experimental Field - Embrapa - RR. Eight land uses were evaluated in 50 x 50 m plots; forest, capoeira (a kind of secondary forest), managed capoeira, agroforestry without using inputs, agroforestry using inputs, altered pasture, managed pasture and a peach palm/heart palm production system. Mesofauna was obtained using a Berlese-Tullgren funnel, samples were collected with a 5 x 5 cm probe, introduced into the soil at a depth of 5 cm. The samples were sorted using the group experts key. The following were evaluated: biological characterization of the mesofauna and frequency and diversity of the Collembola group. The environments showed high diversification of mesofauna orders, with the highest frequencies in environments with greater ground cover. The use of peach palm/heart palm soil stood out, with high diversity of order and individuals, equivalent to environments with greater soil cover. Invertebrates soil diversity can be better studied and is a good indicator of soil quality. Keywords: human action; soil management; diversity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE