Development ofculinary fats with increased oxidative stability

Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Проведено дослідження щодо нехімічної стабілізації олій, призначених для термічної обробки. Встановлено, що для сумішей, які відповідають вимогам щодо органолептичних показників, стійкість до окислення в порівнянні з початковими оліями збільшувалася: для суміші соняшникової олії і пальмового олеїну (70%: 30%) в 1,2 рази, а для суміші соєвої олії і пальмового олеїну (70%: 30%) в 1,26 рази. Проведені дослідження показали ефективний шлях нехімічної стабілізації олій, призначених для термічної обробки. The article analyzes the use of culinary fats in the preparation of food products, examines the requirements that are imposed on culinary fats. The use of oils with an increased content of oleic acid as a promising raw material for the production of culinary fats resistant to oxidation is justified. The analysis of the fatty acid composition of the samples of the initial oils was carried out by the gas-liquid chromatography method, and the resistance of these oils to oxidation by the accelerated oxidation method on the "OXITEST" instrument was measured by the "induction time" parameter. A method of non-chemical stabilization of oils intended for heat treatment is proposed, by blending oils with palm olein. Developed recipes for liquid culinary fats, which contain vegetable oil and palm olein in a ratio that provides high organoleptic characteristics, including fat transparency. For developed recipes for culinary fats, the fatty acid composition is determined and the stability of oil mixtures to oxidation is studied. It was found that for mixtures of oils that meet the requirements for organoleptic characteristics, the resistance to oxidation in comparison with the initial oils increased: for a mixture of sunflower oil and palm oil (70%: 30%) by 1.2 times, and for a mixture of soybean oil and palm oil (70%: 30%) in 1,26 times. The conducted studies have shown the effectiveness of the method of non-chemical stabilization of oils intended for heat treatment. This will allow to extend the period of use of oils in the technological cycle of production of frying products, and also will make it possible to increase the shelf life of fried products due to the content of less oxidized fats in it.
Databáze: OpenAIRE