The Effect of the Osmotic DehydrationProcess on Mass Transfer and Pork MeatQuality

Autor: Filipović, Vladimir
Přispěvatelé: Lević, Ljubinko, Džinić, Natalija, Karlović, Elvira, Pezo, Lato
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2013
Popis: Ispitivan je proces osmotske dehidratacije mesasvinja u tri osmotska rastvora (vodeni rastvornatrijum hlorida i saharoze, kombinacijavodenog rastvora natrijum hlorida i saharoze imelase i melasa šećerne repe) različitihkoncentracija, na tri temperature (20°C, 35°C i50°C) i pri tri vremena trajanja procesa (1, 3 i5h). Mereni i računati odzivi procesa osmotskedehidratacije bili su: sadržaj suve materije,gubitak vode, prirast suve materije, indeksefiksanosti procesa, vrednost aktivnosti vode.Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da povećanjetehnoloških parametara temperature i vremenaprocesa, kao i koncentracije osmotskih rastvoradovode do intenziviranja prenosa mase uprocesu i povećanja vrednosti odzivnihparametara procesa, u oba slučaja, istostrujne iprotivstrujne osmotske dehidratacije.Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata razvijeni sumodeli zavisnosti odziva procesa odprimenjenih tehnoloških parametara zaistostrujne i protivstrujne procese osmotskedehidratacije. “Score” analizom određene suvrednosti tehnoloških parametara koje su zarezultat dale optimalnu efiksanost procesa.U radu je ispitan enegetski bilans procesaosmotske dehidratacije i upoređen sakonvektivnim sušenjem, gde su se kaoenergentski najefikasniji pokazali procesi natemperaturi od 20°C.Karakteristike osmotski dehidriranog svinjskogmesa su pokazale da dolazi do poboljšanjamikrobiološkog, hemijskog i nutritivnog profilamesa nakon procesa, kao i promene boje iteksture, gde je melasa šećerne repe kaoosmotski rastvor, iskazala najbolje uticaje napromene karakteristika dehidiranog mesa.Na osnovu svih ispitanih uticaja variranihparametara kao optimalni parametri procesamogu da se definišu: protivstrujni proces, utrajanju od 5 časova na temperaturi od 20°C, umelasi kao osmotskom rastvoru. Ovakav procesdovodi do sveukupnog poboljšanjakarakteristika svinjskog mesa uvodeći nutritivnapoboljšanja iz hemijskog sastava melase uljudsku ishranu.
Process of osmotic dehydration of pork meat inthree different osmotic solutions (sodiumchloride and sucrose dissolved in water, mixtureof sodium chloride, sucrose dissolved in waterand molasses and sugar beet molasses) ofdifferent concentrations, at three temperatures(20°C, 35°C & 50°C) and three different timesof duration of the process (1, 3 & 5h) wasinvestigated.Measured and calculated responses of theosmotic dehydration process were: dry mattercontent, water loss, solid gain, dehydrationefficiency index and value of water activity.The results showed that the increase oftechnological parameters: time and temperatureof the process, as well as the concentration ofthe osmotic solutions led to the intensified masstransfer in the process and increased values ofprocess responses, in either co-counter orcurrent processes of osmotic solutions.Based on obtained results mathematical modelsof dependence of process responses fromapplied technological parameters for co- andcounter-current processes of osmoticdehydrations were developed. By the means of“Score” analyses the values of technologicalparameters which produced optimal efficiencyof the process were calculated.In this research process energy balance wasinvestigated by comparison to the convectivedrying, where the highest energy efficiency wasdetermined in the processes at the temperatureof 20°C.Characteristics of osmo-dehydrated pork meatwere also investigated, pointing at theimprovement of microbiological, chemical andnutritive profile of the meat after the process, aswell as the change of color and texture, wheresugar beet molasses, as an osmotic solution, hadshown the best effects on changes of dehydratedmeat characteristics.Based on all investigated effects of variedparameters, the optimal process parameters canbe defined as: counter-current process, of 5hours duration, at 20°C, in molasses as anosmotic solution. Process like that leads to thetotal improvement of pork meat characteristicsintroducing nutritive benefit from molasseschemical composition into human nutrition.
Databáze: OpenAIRE