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A method is proposed for calculating the series resistance of a photoelectric module based on experimental measurements. The technique is based on subtracting the theoretical current-voltage characteristic of the module from its experimental current-voltage characteristic to obtain the current-voltage characteristic of the series resistance and further its value calculating. The following experimental values of series resistance were obtained: for the Orange Solar OSP XTP 250 module (60 photocells) 0.48 Ohm, and for the SF-P672300 module (72 photocells) 1.22 Ohm. If you perform the considered calculations of series resistance periodically, then you can implement the task of diagnosing photovoltaic modules, which will allow you to timely identify the deterioration of their characteristics. Bu işde synag ölçegleriniň esasynda fotoelektrik modulyny düzýän fotoelementleriň yzygider birikdirilmeleriniň garşylygyny hasaplamagyň usuly teklip edilýär. Bu usul modulyň nazary wolt-amper häsiýetnamasyny onuň tejribe-synag wolt-amper häsiýetnamasyndan aýyrmak arkaly, yzygider birikdirilen garşylyklaryň wolt-amper häsiýetnamasyny almaga we soňra onuň san bahasyny hasaplamaga esaslanýar. Bu ýerde yzygider garşylygyň şu synag bahalary alyndy: Olar Orange Solar modul üçin OSP XTP 250 (60 fotoelement) 0,48 Om, SF-P672300 (72 fotoelement) modul üçin bolsa 1,22 Om-a deňdir.Yzygider garşylygy kesgitleýän hasaplamalar yzygider geçirilen ýagdaýynda, bu usul arkaly fotoelektrik modullary anyklamak meselesini durmuşa geçirmek bolar, bu bolsa olaryň häsiýetnamalarynyň ýaramazlaşmagyny wagtynda kesgitlemäge mümkinçilik berer. |