The importance of laser doppler imaging for objectivization of burn depth and spontaneous epithelization of burned wound

Autor: Venclauskienė, Algirda
Přispěvatelé: Lukoševičius, Saulius
Jazyk: litevština
Rok vydání: 2013
Popis: The aim of study was to evaluate the importance of laser doppler imaging of burn depth examination and selection of method of treatment. Objectives of the study: 1. To explore the perfusion velocity and color view of different de¬gree of burned wound during laser doppler imaging examination. 2. To explore the importance of laser doppler imaging to determine the sponteneous epithelization of 2A and 2B degree of burn wound. 3. To evaluate and compare the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of clinical burn depth examination and laser doppler imaging. 4. To evaluate and compare the influence of clinical burn depth examination and laser doppler imaging to length of inpatient stay and the cost of treatment. Materials and Methods: Prospective randomized study. The spontaneous burn wound epithelization and requirement to surgery was estimate. The burn tissue biopsy was made for burned patients before their randomization into groups. The aim of biopsy was to deter¬mine the depth of burn and to define the correlation with clinical burn depth examination (CBDE) and laser doppler imaging (LDI). The accu¬racy, sensitivity and specificity was determined between different examination methods. After this the burned patients were randomized into two groups: CBDE and LDI. The aim of randomization was to compare the length of inpatient stay and cost of treatment of two different burn depth examination methods. Conclusions: 1. LDI scan allows to determine the perfusion velocity and color view of deep burns accurately and objectively. 2. LDI scan allows to prognosticate the spontaneous epithelization of deep burns and can influence surgical treatment of burns. 3. The accuracy of LDI was higher compared to CBDE. 4. LDI scan allowed to decrease the length of inpatient stay and the cost of treatment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE