Vokietijos 15-50 metų amžiaus paauglių ir suaugusiųjų sergančiųjų I tipo cukriniu diabetu sąsajos su psichikos sveikata

Autor: Huber, Svea
Přispěvatelé: Žaltauskė, Vilma
Jazyk: litevština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2018. To examine the mental health status of the participants, three questionnaires were used ‒ Beck’s Depression Inventory, the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, and the Eating Disorder Screen for Primary Care. Glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) was assessed to determine the level of diabetes control. This parameter was determined by BIO RAD’s D-10™ Haemoglobin Analyser. The results showed a high prevalence of disordered eating behaviors (48.9 %), depression (26.7 %), and anxiety (13.0 %). The mean HbA1c level of 7.71 of the participants showed poor diabetes control. Linear regression analysis revealed that were significant correlation between age, insulin use, anxiety, and glycaemic control.
Databáze: OpenAIRE