The formation the creative potential of masters of preschool education as a scientific problem

Autor: Yemchyk, Oleksandra H.
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: Статтю присвячено дослідженню науково-теоретичних витоків проблеми формування творчого потенціалу майбутніх магістрів дошкільної освіти. На основі аналізу педагогічної теорії та практики проаналізовано роль творчих якостей особистості педагога у майбутній творчій діяльності. Творчий потенціал визначено основною якістю творчої особистості та джерелом творчої діяльності фахівця дошкільної освіти в умовах дошкільного навчального закладу. Проаналізовано специфіку та складність формування творчого потенціалу магістра дошкільної освіти та основні його детермінанти. The article deals with the investigation of scientific and theoretical origins the problem of formation the creative potential of future masters of preschool education. The role of creative qualities of teacher’s personality in future creative activities is analyzed on the basis of educational theory and practice. The creative potential is identified as the basic quality of creative personality and the source of creative specialist of preschool education in preschool educational institution. The specificity and complexity of the formation the creative potential of master preschool education, which is a combination of two aspects of the specialist’s quality, are analyzed. The one is the formation the creative potential of masters of preschool education as the readiness of specialist of preschool education for creative educational work with preschool children. The second is the formation of creative potencies of master of preschool education as a teacher of pedagogical disciplines and the subject of innovation activities in higher educational establishment and its main determinants. According to the research, the creative potential of master of preschool education as a teacher of pedagogical disciplines is defined as the complex characteristic of specialist’s personality in preschool education, which is the system of professional knowledge and skills, the psychological qualities of the teacher, the motivation and the readiness for creativity and innovative activity in higher education institution, for self-improvement and for self-fulfillment, the mastery of methods and technologies of the diagnostics and formation the creative personality in students of pedagogical professions, the ability to form in students the readiness for creative interaction with preschool children in educational process of training in preschool educational institution, which opened and formed during the professional training at magistracy. The studying the components of master’s preschool education training for creative educational activities in higher educational establishment for its further improvement is determined as the perspective for further research
Databáze: OpenAIRE