The problem of term polysemy in Ukrainian modern myth studies

Autor: Hrebeniuk, Arsen
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Статтю присвячено проблемі багатозначності в українській науці термінів, пов’ язаних із вивченням сучасного міфу. Встановлено типові багатозначності, контексти використання термінів. Вказано авторитетів, до яких можна апелювати в виборі найбільш адекватних у конкретних випадках дефініцій. The article is devoted to the problem of term polysemy connected with the modern myth studies in Ukrainian science. We considered typical polysemies, contexts for the use of terms. It is stated that the "myth" is one of the widest concepts of humanitarian knowledge, which is responsible not only for the polysemy of the term "myth", but also for its derivatives. In particular, the basic ones are considered, such as "myth", "mythologeme", "political myth", and specialized ones: "modern myth", "quasi-myth" and others. The article proves that the understanding of myth as a primitive pre-scientific way of explaining the world is no longer inherent in modern times, is not relevant at the present stage of mythology studies. Also attention is drawn to some subtleties of Ukrainian spelling, which can serve as a basis to the erroneous terms definition. The author points the authorities, to which other scientists can appeal in the choice of the most appropriate definitions in concrete cases.
Databáze: OpenAIRE