Функции графически выделенного фрагмента в составе разных повествовательных партитур (на материале повести Ю. Трифонова «Дом на набережной»)

Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Вестник Томского государственного университета.
ISSN: 1561-803X
Popis: Материалом исследования выступают графически выделенные фрагменты (ГВФ), характерный прием в идиостиле Ю.В. Трифонова. Подтверждается тезис о закрепленности отдельных функций ГВФ за повествовательными партиями. Особое внимание уделено рассмотрению ситуаций наложения повествовательных пластов, а именно анализу изменений в функционировании ГВФ, принадлежащих нескольким повествовательным партитурам.
The article deals with an analysis of highlighted words as a characteristic feature of Yu.V. Trifonov's idiostyle. Such words are identified by some typical functions (expressive, intoning, keyword functions in the lexical organisation of texts, etc.) as well as distinct author's functions (lie marking function; organisation of a dialogue or polylogue between the reader, the character and the narrator; etc.). Highlighted words in Trifonov's texts are presented in speech lines of narrators and/or characters. We proposed a thesis that some highlighted word functions are typical of certain narrative songs. Special attention was given to cases of overlapping of narrative layers, particularly, to the analysis of the changing functions of highlighted words that belong to several narrative lines. With the mentioned above narrative instances, the narrative base consists in some research carried out by R. Barthes, L. Dolezel, G. Genette, M. Bal, W. Schmid, G. Prince, S. Chatman, J. Lintvelt and others. This article makes an emphasis on the functional aspect of the graphically marked words research. According to the types of registers of communication, Yu.V. Trifonov's narrative The House on the Embankment represents Glebov's recollections in a prologue written in the third person (where the narrator's and author's speech merges) with some inserts in the first person (when Glebov is represented as a main character). Highlighted words can be seen in the discourse of the following narrative songs: in direct and indirect speech, in inner monologue; in dialogues of major and minor characters; in the discourse of the first-person narration (represented by Glebov's classmate and Glebov himself) where highlighted words become a link connecting the voices of several narrative songs. Thus, highlighted words can function in the discourse in the following two ways: the narrator's recollections through a character's speech in the third person, and overlapping of the author's and narrator's speech in the third person. The characters' speech is defined by the following functions of highlighted words: accentual/semantic actualisation and characterisation. A word is enriched when the narrator's third-person discourse involves highlighted words that have two narrative categories. As a narrative category, a fictitious narrator is characterised by the following functions of highlighted words: keywords highlighting, textbuilding, motive and lie marking. The functions can be meaningfully interwoven in texts.
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