Оценка эффективности работы цементационной завесы на основе анализа колебаний температуры грунтовых вод за плотиной

Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Вестник МГСУ.
ISSN: 2304-6600
Popis: Рассмотрена методика оценки эффективности работы цементационной завесы, основанная на анализе результатов математического прогноза и регулярных замеров температуры воды в водохранилище и скальном массиве за цементационной завесой. Исходными данными для решения задачи теплопереноса являются скорости фильтрации, полученные из решения стационарной фильтрационной задачи и экспериментальный коэффициент, обобщающий теплофизические характеристики скальных пород. В качестве примера приведены результаты расчетных исследований фильтрационного и температурного режимов в скальном основании бетонной плотины при проектном режиме работы цементационной завесы и при наличии в ней проницаемого участка.
In the article the authors considered the technique of evaluating the performance of a grouting curtain basing on the analysis of mathematical forecasting and regular measurements of water temperature in the reservoir and in the rock mass behind the dam. The initial data for the solution of heat transfer problem are the rate of filtration, obtained from the solution of the stationary problem of filtration, and the experimental factor, generalizing thermophysical properties of rocks. For calculating the period of time from to the change of the water temperature in the reservoir till the change of water temperature at the reference point of the rock mass a computer program was designed, which allows defining the path and time of filtration from the reservoir to the reference point in the rock mass with the help of the reverse conversion on flow lines. The calculation was carried out from the point in question in the rock mass till the crossing paths of filtration with the bottom boundary of the reservoir. As an example, we present the results of computational studies of filtration and temperature regimes in the rock foundation of a concrete dam at the design work of the grouting curtain and in case of the presence of pervious area. The calculations were performed with a time step dt = 2 days. At each time step, with account of water motion along the lines of the current through the rock mass, the previous position of the reference points in space has been determined, for which the value of the velocity vector of filtration field was corrected. In the first case, the motion of water from the reservoir was carried out in the circumvention of the grouting curtain. In the second case, the motion of water took place from the reservoir through the permeable portion of the grouting curtain. The change of the water temperature during its seepage from the water reservoir through permeable area of grouting curtain because of conductive heat transmission in all the checkpoints in permeable area of grouting curtain is 0.5-1.0 °C at measurement accuracy of water temperature 0.1 °C. Thereby, by measuring the changes of water temperature in the reservoir and in the rock mass behind the grouting curtain as a result of alternative calculations using the developed method we can calculate the position and size of a possible permeable area.
Databáze: OpenAIRE