Special aspects of calibration of ionizing radiation detectors used for soil radon monitoring

Autor: Yakovleva Valentina Stanislavovna, Petr Mikhailovich Nagorskiy
Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Bulletin of the Kamchatka Regional Association «Educational-Scientific Center». Physical & Mathematical Sciences.
ISSN: 2313-0156
Popis: The results of calibration of a, band g-radiation detectors mounted into a borehole at the depths of 0.5 and 1 m, which are destined for soil radon monitoring, are represented and analyzed. The radon isotope radiometer RTM 2200 (SARAD GmbH, Germany) was used for calibration. It was determined that time variations of a-radiation flux density at the depths of 1 m poorly reflect the soil radon dynamics, both the diurnal variations and their amplitudes, and in the case with g-radiation, they do not reflect it at all. Good synchronism between flux density dynamics of b-radiation at 0.5–1 m depth that of a-radiation at 0.5 m depth and radon volumetric activity dynamics measured at the same depths was found for diurnal and synoptic scales. Nevertheless, for certain days a small time shift between aand b-flux densities and radon time series was observed. Recommendations for the conditions and the procedure of calibration of soil ionizing radiation detectors were developed.
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