Антропоморфный и соматический коды культуры в моделировании ландшафта и их отражение в башкирской топонимии

Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Вестник Башкирского университета.
ISSN: 1998-4812
Popis: В статье для описания соотношения языка и этнической культуры, языка и мышления автором используется понятие «код культуры». В центре внимания автора находится кодовая роль языка в описании мира с позиции человека и в формировании фрагментов модели мира. На основе анализа башкирских топонимов и географической терминологии, образованной от анатомических терминов, рассматривается функция антропоморфного и соматического кодов культуры в восприяти, освоении и структурировании окружающего пространства, в моделировании географического ландшафта и концептуализации мира.
The author of the article uses the term “cultural code” to describe the relation between language and ethnic culture, between language and thinking. The author focuses on the coding role of language in description of the world from the perspective of a human and in formation of fragments of the world model. The function of the anthropomorphic and somatic codes of culture in perception, development and structuring of the surrounding area, in the modeling of geographical landscape and in the conceptualization of the world is considered on the basis of the analysis of Bashkir toponyms and geographical terms, derived from anatomical terms. As the materials of analysis show, totemic beliefs of the Bashkirs are reflected in toponymy. In mythopoetic worldview of Bashkirs, Ural-Batyr is a totem, a human and a demigod. He, as a totem, coincides with the head of the collective and with external nature with the mountain Ural, Shulgan is the evil deity of water and in the actual geography Shulgan is a hydronym. This relationship is explained by the fact that anthropomorphic code culture participates in the modeling of the space. This is also evidenced by the existing toponymic items associated with the biological and psychological nature of a human. In the names of geographical objects, a special connection between macrocosm and microcosm, between nature and human is observed. This connection is also expressed in anthropomorphic modeling of landscape: a geographic object or its parts are correlated with the human and with the names of parts of the human body. On the linguistic level, such toponyms are characterized by the transition of anatomical term in geographic one: one system motivating units (anatomical terms) is transferred entirely to another sphere of reality (geographical landscape) and gets the secondary nomination function, contributes to the modeling of the landscape. Anthropomorphic and somatic codes of culture are widely used in this process.
Databáze: OpenAIRE