О проблеме понимания отрицательного «Ничто» (на примере перевода трактата Ж. -П. Сартра «Бытие и ничто»)

Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Вестник Томского государственного университета.
ISSN: 1561-803X
Popis: Анализируются грамматические аспекты философского понятия «ничто» на примере перевода на русский язык трактата Ж.-П. Сартра «Бытие и ничто». Проясняются лексические и метафизические нюансы данной языковой единицы, понимание которых позволяет существенно улучшить восприятие смыслов, содержащихся в ряде философских положений. Через разбор местоимений русского языка «нечто» и «ничто» в исследовании демонстрируется их контекстуальная связь с отрицательным «ничто» французского языка («neant» и «rien»), что делает возможным достичь более адекватного перевода.
This paper analyzes the grammatical aspects of the philosophical concept "nothingness" on the example of the Russian translation of J.-P. Sartre's Being and Nothingness. Lexical and metaphysical nuances of this language unit are clarified. This allows to significantly improve perception of the meanings in a number of philosophical provisions. By comparative consideration of Russian pronouns "something" and "nothingness", a possibility of their contextual connection with negative French "nothingness" ("rien" and "neant") is shown. The found ambiguity of senses allows to correct the appearing difficulties of the translation. In particular, in research it is noted that the available Russian translation of the French lexeme "nothingness" is not always accurate, i.e. it is incorrect to translate two French words "neant" and "rien" by the lexeme "nothingness". The same is true in case of English and German translations. In the context of Russian grammar and etymology an interrogative-relative pronoun "what" can be connected with the deixis "this", which allows to decipher the lexeme "something" simply as "not this", i.e. as the affirmation of a negation of any distinctly understood single existing. Such an understanding allows to establish connection of the Russian lexeme "something" with classical philosophical concepts, such, for example, as a primary substratum or meon. As a result, when a thing is spoken about as "something", addition of particle "not" to "what", on the one hand, allows to express that the thing in itself is not a simple translation of the general essence expressed by categories, that it cannot be presented separately from Aristotle's primary substance, a concrete singularity; on the other hand, it simultaneously allows to emphasize the loss by a thing of its definiteness, concreteness, i.e. nevertheless to point to its certain abstractness ("in general something", but nevertheless "something", i.e. concrete and single, though indefinite). When speaking about "nothingness", stronger negation of "what" by means of the particle "no" specifies that there is even no bearer of essence, namely, a thing, i.e. essence is not generally represented by anything and anybody, it is not shown. Thus, nothingness is indication of a "non-thing". As a result of the linguistic specifications, it becomes clear that, according to the established semantic nuances which comprise the French lexemes of "neant" and "rien", these words should not be translated into Russian by means of one lexeme "nothingness". A more exact translation of the word "rien" into Russian is by the pronoun "something" understood as "not-existing". The analysis of the indefinite pronoun "something" shows the stage-by-stage process of negation of a thing and its existence. Thus, when translation from French into Russian it becomes more clear that Sartre used two different pronouns of "nothingness" ("neant" and "rien") on purpose.
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