Оценка трофического статуса тихоокеанских лососей в морской период жизни

Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Известия ТИНРО (Тихоокеанского научно-исследовательского рыбохозяйственного центра).
ISSN: 1606-9919
Popis: По опубликованным и архивным материалам ТИНРО-центра по пищевым спектрам нерки, горбуши, кеты, кижуча и чавычи рассчитаны трофические уровни на протяжении их жизни в море и в зависимости от их местообитания. Индексы трофических уровней массовых видов дальневосточных лососей располагаются в диапазоне от 3,1 до 4,5. У нерки четкой зависимости между ее длиной и величиной трофического уровня не наблюдается. У горбуши по мере роста трофический уровень несколько повышается, это же наблюдается у кеты, причем в Охотском море значения выше, чем в Беринговом. Для кижуча и чавычи характерно повышение трофического уровня при обитании в тихоокеанских водах.
Trophic levels of sockeye, pink, chum, coho, and chinook salmons are assessed for certain habitats in the marine period of their life on published data and unpublished materials archived in Pacific Fish. Res. Center (TINRO). The levels of salmon species in food web are from 3.1 to 4.5. Their smolts in estuaries and the littoral zone are characterized by the minimal trophic levels, which rise with subsequent transition to marine life. Among elder salmons, the pink have the lowest trophic level that increases from 3.3 in the Bering Sea to 3.4 in the Pacific Ocean, with the medium value in the Okhotsk Sea. Sockeye salmon has the trophic level 3.5-3.8 in the Okhotsk and Bering Seas, and 3.5-4.5 in the Pacific waters. The trophic level of chum salmon is 3.3-3.9 in the Bering Sea, 3.3-4.4 in the Okhotsk Sea, and 3.4-4.0 in the Pacific Ocean. Chinook salmon has the trophic level 3.2-4.4 in the Okhotsk Sea, 3.7-4.4 in the Bering Sea, and 4.1-4.5 in the Pacific. The highest trophic level is determined for coho: 3.4-4.5 in the Okhotsk Sea, 3.8-4.5 in the Bering Sea, and 4.2-4.5 in the Pacific waters. Spatial and temporal changes of the trophic levels are regular for all salmon species and are conditioned by trophic levels of their prey. The lowest levels are provided by feeding on low-level prey, mainly insects, but the highest levels by consumption of squids and fish. Generally, position of the pacific salmons in food webs of the Far-Eastern Seas is similar to the positions of other mass epipelagic species, as herring and pollock. However, the salmons migrate for feeding in the open deep-water areas of the seas and to the North Pacific that excludes competition for prey with other mass species. Because of wide extension of feeding grounds, the pacific salmons are able to maintain a very high abundance of their populations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE