Вхідні імпедансні характеристики двобар’єрних структур

Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Вісник Національного технічного університету України Київський політехнічний інститут. Серія: Радіотехніка. Радіоапаратобудування.
ISSN: 2310-0389
Popis: В статье исследованы особенности входных им-педансных характеристик двухбарьерных структур. Рассмотрена модель двухбарьер-ной структуры в виде двух импедансных -барьеров в квантово-механической, элек-тромагнитной и акустической средах. Получены аналитические выражения для вход-ного импеданса. Установлены и проанализированы импедансные условия резонансного прохождения, в том числе резонансного туннелирования, волн.
Introduction. Double barrier structures (DBSs) are widely used in different technical ar-eas. In the paper the features of input impedance characteristics of DBS are investigated and conditions of resonant passing, including resonant tunneling, of waves are set. Delta-model of double barrier structure. A model of DBS in the form of two impedance -barriers in quantum-mechanical, electromagnetic and acoustic media is considered. Analyt-ical expressions for the input impedance characteristics are received. Impedance conditions of resonance passing of waves through DBS are obtained. New condition of resonance pass-ing through DBS is set. Electromagnetic and acoustic double barrier structures. Dependences of input impedance active and reactive components and transfer coefficient of DBS are given. Accordance of DBS characteristics with finite size barriers and its -model is analysed. The analogy of DBS and parallel oscillatory circuit is set. Quantum-mechanical double barrier structure. Dependences of input impedance and transfer coefficient of quantum-mechanical DBS are given. Character of active component dependence is similar to transfer coefficient characteristic. Resonance transfer characteris-tics have very high quality factor. Conclusions. Input impedance characteristics of DBS allow to analyse wave properties of such structures, set the conditions of resonant passing, including resonant tunneling, waves. By analysing the input impedance characteristics conditions of resonant passing for DBS, located between media with different wave impedances, were determined.
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