Генезис социально-властных институтов в России в допетровскую эпоху

Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Пространство и Время.
ISSN: 2226-7271
Popis: Власть является одним из важнейших феноменов человеческого бытия. Без отношений власть-подчинение становятся невозможными основы существования внутри любого сообщества. Власть это возможность и способность навязать свою волю, воздействовать на деятельность и поведение других людей, даже вопреки их сопротивлению. Суть власти не зависит от того, на чём основана такая возможность, она объективно возникает в любых сообществах. Российская власть как особый социокультурный феномен отвечала и общемировому тренду, и имела свою большую специфику. Власть в обществе всегда основана на иерархии во взаимоотношениях людей. Для России это было обусловлено наличием военной силы в руках правителя в мирное время. Это позволяло доминировать над обществом, присваивать материальные блага вне зависимости от эффективности управления государством или результативности ведения войны.
Power is one of the most important phenomena of human existence. The existence within any community becomes impossible without relations ''power subordination''. Power is an opportunity and the ability to impose somebody''s will, to affect the activities and behavior of other people, even in spite of their resistance. The essence of power does not depend on the basis of such a possibility, it is objectively occurs in all communities. Russian authorities are a special social and cultural phenomenon and it meets worldwide trend and has its own specificity. Power in society is always based on a hierarchy in human relations. Its first purpose is the management. The second purpose of the emerging power is a reallocation of resources. Third, the most significant purpose of power is to protect citizens from external attacks. The state government has allowed power to crystallize, become a factor visible for everybody and separated from society. The objective bases of the state-building and state power in Russia, as well as throughout the world, were the economic prerequisites. To regulate economic relations the state power began to use legal tricks, but here the Russian paradigm greatly differed from the Western one, because they always had an extremely strong non-economic methods of management in Russia. Political paradigm was the next base of the state and the transformative power of traditional authorities in the state, in Russia it was necessary to build up the safe environment warranty protection from external and internal enemy assault on life, outcomes and visibility of property. Society can ''provide for'' a public authority only under certain circumstances. For Russia the reason of that was the presence of military forces in the hands of the ruler in peacetime. This allowed the authorities to dominate society always and everywhere, assign material values regardless of the effectiveness or efficiency of state management of warfare. Withdrawal of material resources from their subjects is the safest and most characteristic of the Russian way of the content of public authority. On Russian power in the Mongol period influenced strong vestiges Institute chiefdom, protoand quasi-state phenomena, communal traditions common to all strata of society, the complicated undeveloped economic relations, and primarily undeveloped property relations, agnatic seniority, ‘attachment’ of nobility to the court of the prince. Mongols fundamentally changed the nature of the Russian state, making it extremely oppressive, and their faithful disciples the Moscow descendants of Ryurik (Ryurikovichi) created their own despotic state. New royal power already had quite a different nature than the power of the princes on Kiev Rus. Tsar was no longer the leader of squads, military leader, his position was incomparably superior to all; even princes, boyars, nobles were actually in the position of servants, the king becomes a sovereign monarch and his real power is far superior to the power of Western kings.
Databáze: OpenAIRE