Осврт на Законот за вистински сопственици – заедничка активност на Централен регистар и Агенција за спречување на перење на пари

Autor: Gogova Samonikov, Marija, Manceva, Verica
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: The term real owner is a novelty in the Macedonian legislation, but it is not an unknown category for the countries with clearly defined legal norms. The essence of determining the real owner is to determine the natural person who directly, indirectly or otherwise has ownership over the legal entity. Determining the rightful owner is a joint activity of the Central Registry of the Republic of Northern Macedonia and the Financial Intelligence Unit. For that purpose, a special Register of real owners is established within the Central Register, not in order to perform a simple statistical operation for the real entities, but to determine the real owner of the legal entity, in the true sense of the word. The Register of Real Owners was put into use on 27.01.2021, and the entities had a period of 90 days, ie until 27.04.2021 to report the data on the real owners in the Register free of charge. The notion of real owner is provided by the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism from 2014 published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia 130/2014 from 03.09.2014. Despite the fact that this law provided for the obligation to determine the real owner of the legal entities, this legal provision was delayed due to the later constitution of the Register of real owner. The register of real owners is operational. Entities that make changes to the owners in the Trade Register are given a Notice to make a change in the Register of Real Owners. If they fulfill that obligation within 8 days, then the registration is free. After the deadline of 8 days, the reporting is done according to a certain tariff which has a gradual increase in prices. From the register of real owners, services arise, such as the current status of the real owner as well as the history of the real owners of the legal entities that can be obtained in paper and electronic form.
Databáze: OpenAIRE