The role of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNMF) techniques in rehabilitation of patients with stroke

Autor: Nikolovska, Lence, Kabranova, Violeta, Jovevska, Svetlana, Simonovska, Ljiljana
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: The brain insult is an acute disruption of circulation in the brain, which flows with local and general brain symptoms. It can be ischemic, haemorrhagic or in the form of Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA). Etiologic factors include: atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, malformation of brain blood vessels and others. In the acute stage, physical therapy is directed towards the prophylaxis of the complications of the locomotor apparatus (contractures, muscle and tendon retractions, ossifications), the respiratory system (hypostatic pneumonia) and the skin (decubitus). All this is achieved through treatment with a position: a frequent change in the position of the body in the bed, passive exercises performed according to strictly defined rules, breathing exercises, exercises for healthy limbs and intense skin care. The resulting trophic changes of the skin are treated with ultraviolet radiation at the sublimate doses or with high frequency currents at D'Arsonval. After the acute period, physical therapy has a decisive role for the optimal physical recovery of patients, for their adaptation and re-socialization. The leading role in this stage has kinesitherapy through the special methods of Bobath, Brunustrom and Kabat. The choice of a particular kinesitherapy technique is performed individually for every sick person, after a precise kinesiological analysis of the spastic syndrome and a functional assessment. Before starting the kinesitherapy procedure, relaxing procedures are mandatory. In the initial stages of moderate spasticity, soft heat is used (solux and IC light). In strong spasticity, paraffin applications, Kenny compresses, or partial warm baths are used. Of the cryotherapy methods, the most suitable for these conditions is the method of application of frozen towels, three times a minute, with passive relaxation exercises between each application. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Techniques (PNMF) aim to improve the patient's functional ability by facilitating, inhibiting, enhancing and relaxing muscle groups. Techniques use, concentric, eccentric and static muscular contraction. These muscular contractions, with properly dosed resistance and appropriate relief techniques, can be combined and adapted to meet the needs and capabilities of each patient.
Databáze: OpenAIRE