Symbol Generation and Frame Synchronization for Multipulse-Pulse Position Modulation

Autor: Koss, Shawn Christian, Tummala, Murali, McEachen, John C.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: A method and system for multipulse-pulse position modulation optical transmission that includes selecting a multipulse- pulse position modulation having a symbol alphabet having an upper-bound symbol alphabet size, and determining, based on at least one transmission characteristic associated with a transmitter, a subset of symbols of the selected symbol alphabet capable of being transmitted by the transmitter, the subset of symbols having a set of binary codewords. The method and system may include identifying two-symbol concatenation of binary codewords in the set of binary codewords, calculating a cross correlation of binary codeword in the set of binary code words through every two-symbol concatenation, determining a set of one or more acceptable codeword combinations by eliminating a portion of two-symbol concatenation of codewords corresponding to overlapping peaks in the respective calculated cross correlations, and transmitting, by the transmitter via an optical communication channel, information encoded based on the determined acceptable codeword combinations. US 11,683,100 B2
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