Closer-to-Nature Forest Management

Autor: Larsen, Jørgen Bo, Angelstam, Per, Bauhus, Jürgen, Carvalho, João Fidalgo, Diaci, Jurij, Dobrowolska, Dorota, Gazda, Anna, Gustafsson, Lena, Krumm, Frank, Knoke, Thomas, Konczal, Agata, Kuuluvainen, Timo, Mason, Bill, Motta, Renzo, Pötzelsberger, Elisabeth, Rigling, Andreas, Schuck, Andreas
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Larsen, J B, Angelstam, P, Bauhus, J, Carvalho, J F, Diaci, J, Dobrowolska, D, Gazda, A, Gustafsson, L, Krumm, F, Knoke, T, Konczal, A, Kuuluvainen, T, Mason, B, Motta, R, Pötzelsberger, E, Rigling, A & Schuck, A 2022, Closer-to-Nature Forest Management . From Science to Policy, vol. 12, European Forest Institute .
Popis: Closer-to-Nature Forest Management is a new concept proposed in the EU Forest Strategy for 2030, which aims to improve the conservation values and climate resilience of multifunctional, managed forests in Europe. Building on the latest scientific evidence, this report attempts to define the concept based on a set of seven guiding principles. It also outlines a framework/checklist for flexible European-wide implementation of the concept. This report analyses the current pressures on forest biodiversity as well as on the health of, and resilience in, managed forests. It examines existing nature-oriented forest management approaches in Europe and analyses their ability to support biodiversity, their stability and adaptability to uncertain future conditions. It proposes a definition, a set of guiding principles and a framework for flexible European-wide implementation of Closer-to-Nature Forest Management. Finally, it evaluates barriers and enablers for implementation and presents a list of existing networks that can be used to assist the dissemination of Closer-to-Nature Forest Management throughout Europe.
Databáze: OpenAIRE