Influence of Lithuania's business structure to the forecast of regional economic growth

Autor: Kvainauskaitė, Vaida, Snieška, Vytautas
Jazyk: litevština
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Tiltai. Priedas 2002, Nr. 10, p. 108-113.
ISSN: 1648-3979
Popis: Straipsnyje nagrinėjama Lietuvos verslo struktūros įtaka regionų ekonominio augimo prognozei, tiriant Lietuvos verslo struktūros suderinamumą su Šiuolaikinių regioninio ekonominio augimo modelių praktiniais aspektais. Atliktas Lietuvos verslo struktūros raidos įtakos regionų ekonominio augimo prognozei vertinimas parode, kad nepakankamai palankios ekonominės-socialinės verslo funkcionavimo sąlygos apsunkina efektyvų verslo vystymąsi ir augimą periferiniuose regionuose, o tai riboja įmonių, visų pirma, smulkių ir vidutinių įmonių, kaip dinamiškiausios Lietuvos verslo struktūros dalies, poveikį ekonominiam augimui šalyje. The article analyses the influence of Lithuania's business structure to the forecast of regional economic growth in the context of the compatibility with the regularities of modem regional growth. Development of national economy in its initial stage often creates inter-divergence as well as enables the movement of production factors, which is beneficial to the centres of development. This allowed us to consider small and medium-sized business as one of the regional development factors. Theoretical aspects of divergence theories emphasise the possibility to attract small and medium-sized business that plays the role of service enterprises in forming the growth poles. The regularities of regional development described in these theoretical works are expected to appear in Lithuania as well. One of such regularities and one of the subjects of regional development should be small and medium-sized business as a part of business structure marked by the most dynamic development. Forecastic evaluation of the influence of Lithuania's business structure to the regional economic growth showed, that unfavourable social and economic conditions hinder effective growth and development of business structures in the peripheral regions, which limits the participation of small and medium - sized businesses in promotion in Lithuania of characteristic features of economic development, that are described in modem models of development. The failure to solve the problems of small and medium-sized business promotion results in slower economic development in Lithuania and limited possibility for the convergence of regional development.
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