Psychological factors influencing the feeling of loneliness in female students with hearing impairments

Autor: Baranauskienė, Ingrida, Kovalenko, Alla, Leonova, Inna
Jazyk: litevština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Specialusis ugdymas [Special Education]. 2020, Nr. 1 (41), p. 141-171.
ISSN: 1392-5369
Popis: Straipsnyje pateikiami veiksnių, paveikiančių klausos sutrikimų turinčių studenčių vienišumo jausmo atsiradimą, tyrimo rezultatai. Gauti rezultatai rodo, kad studentės, turinčios klausos sutrikimų, jaučia vienišumą, ypač šis jausmas pasireiškia šeimos sferoje. Vienišumo jausmas siejamas ne tik su tarpasmeniniais santykiais, bet ir su asmeninėmis savybėmis, požiūriu bei poreikiais. Studenčių, turinčių klausos sutrikimų, dirglumo ir emocinio nestabilumo šaltiniai yra šie: nepakankamas socialinio ir kultūrinio bendravimo poreikio patenkinimas, egzistuojantys lyčių konfliktai tarp partnerių, kuriuos lemia socialiniai stereotipai ir lyčių nelygybė. Pagrindinės studenčių, turinčių klausos sutrikimų, vienišumo jausmo priežastys yra baimės: vienišumo, priklausomybės, kitų atstūmimo tiek tarpasmeniniuose, tiek socialiniuose santykiuose, taip pat socialinis nerimas. Vienišumo jausmas atsiranda dėl šių veiksnių: bendravimo baimės, tarpasmeninių santykių, asmeninių savybių, taip pat nepasitenkinimo savo gyvenimo kokybe. Studentėms, turinčioms klausos sutrikimų, reikia ypatingo universiteto personalo dėmesio, kad jos galėtų integruotis į švietimo aplinką, užmegzti ryšius su bendraamžiais ir šeimos nariais. The article presents the study results on the factors influencing the emergence of the feeling of loneliness in female students with hearing impairments. Loneliness is seen as an anxious feeling that appears as a result of the individual’s dissatisfaction with the quality and quantity of communication with other people, as well as the reaction to the lack of intimate relationships and dissatisfied social needs, as subjective rather than objective social isolation. The research involved 70 students with disabilities studying in various universities and having hearing impairments. The control group consisted of 70 female students without hearing impairments. The participants’ age ranged from 18 to 22 years. The results obtained in the course of the research indicate the presence of the feeling of loneliness in students with disabilities. The greatest contribution to it is made by family and romantic loneliness (relationships with a partner, with loved ones, the absence of a significant Other), namely, the dissatisfied need for attachment and security. The feeling of loneliness is associated not only with interpersonal relationships, but also with individual personal traits, attitudes and needs of female students with hearing impairments. The sources of irritability and emotional instability of female students with hearing impairments are their strong need for social and cultural communication, which is not sufficiently satisfied, as well as gender conflicts between partners, caused by social stereotypes existing in society and gender inequality. The main reasons for the feeling of loneliness in female students with hearing impairments are their fears of loneliness, dependence, rejection by others both in interpersonal and social relations, as well as social and communicative anxiety. The main indicator of disharmony in the interpersonal relations of female students with disabilities (in the family, with a partner, with significant Other) is proneness to conflicts, the reason for which is their focus solely on their own interests and their need for recognition and respect. The stronger external locus of life control is, the more female students with hearing impairments tend to feel like a victim, thereby they become more and more insecure, anxious, tend to shift the responsibility for what is happening with them on others. This contributes to a subjective sense of the mismatch between the actual and desired social and partnership relationships. The factors of the loneliness of female students with hearing impairments are their fear of communication, interpersonal relationships, personal characteristics, and personal dissatisfaction with the life quality. Female students with hearing impairments are the category of students who require special attention from university staff to help them be integrated into the educational environment and establish contacts with their peers.
Databáze: OpenAIRE