Do we need Hermann Sudermann?

Autor: Šidlauskas, Marijus
Jazyk: litevština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Liaudies kultūra 2016, Nr. 5, p. 22-29.
ISSN: 0236-0551
Popis: This article presents the life and creative features of the writer Hermann Sudermann (Hermanas Zudermanas, 1857–1928), who was born in Lithuania, in the village Šilo Karčema (now – Mancikai, nor far from Šilutė). The Lithuanian reception of his work is presented, its creative value and place in our cultural memory is considered. For German literature as a whole, H. Sudermann is one of many, but for Lithuania – unique and irreplaceable, even though he did not write in Lithuanian. Having become famous, from 1902 he settled at the Blankensee manor in the area of Postdam and dedicated himself to creative work. Of all the rich creative heritage of Sudermann – short stories, novels, dramas, plays – his Lithuanian stories best withstood the test of time; Franz Werfel has called them a book of modern mythology. Not all of his works have been translated into the Lithuanian language and it hasn’t yet been more closely looked at by ethnologists, anthropologists, psychologists.
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