Teaching/learning a second language in educating the learner

Autor: Leonavičienė, Vilma, Salienė, Vilija
Jazyk: litevština
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Žmogus ir žodis [Man and the Word]. 2000, 3, p. 61-65.
ISSN: 1392-8600
Popis: Languages teaching methods acquire newer changes. When teaching the second (foreign) language the following tendencies are being noticed: transmission from language form to meaning, from analysis to communication; contents of authentic teaching material is being pointed out, which is based on social-cultural context, integrated tasks, solution of problems. First of all a student has to be able to use the language in communication and only later on the specific language knowledge, abilities and skills. Any language teaching (especially foreign ) is closely related to the relationship problem of memory, thinking and creativity. The objective of this article is to try to analyze how programs, standards, and material of examinations of Lithuanian (state) language create preconditions to improve thinking of students and to survey possibilities of improvement of thinking capabilities by teaching writing (as one of the ways of linguistic activities). Investigation methods - analysis of subjective and methodical programs as well as teaching experiment material (PAULA).
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