Women in Lithuanian army

Autor: Lubys, Antanas, Motiejūnaitė, Jurgita
Jazyk: litevština
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Tiltai. Priedas Transformacijos Rytų ir Centrinėje Europoje 2003, Nr. 13, t. 1, p. 275-286.
ISSN: 1648-3979
Popis: Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas moterų pasirinkimas profesionalią tarnybą kariuomenėje. Jau nuo seniausių laikų moteris kariauja kartu su vyrais. Lietuvos kariuomenės istorijoje taip pat yra garsių moterų karininkių. Šiuo metu Lietuvos kariuomenėje septynios moterys turi vyresniųjų karininkių laipsnius įvairiose šalyse yra nustatytas skirtingas maksimalus procentas moterų galinčių tarnauti kariuomenėje. Moterys nebijo laiko iššūkių ir drąsiai imasi visų savo pareigų. Nowadays more and more women dare to choose jobs and spheres of spending spare time, over which only men predominated earlier. Nobody is surprised that more representatives of weaker sex choose a professional military service. To become the military servicewomen cannot every woman. When women want to come into the men's sphere they have to overstep their own ambitions to represent the fair weaker sex, to show their endurance and ability to overcome all the difficulties without complaining. All the time and all over the world women fought together with men. They serve in army now, too. There are 10% women among private and line soldiers; among sergeants - 19%; among officers - 17%; among civil workers - 52%. On the whole there are 16% of women working in the military system. In Lithuania there also are women who charmed with their bravery and resolution. Emilija Pliaterytė, Antanina Tomaševska, Marija Rašanavičiūtė showed that Lithuanian women have much ability at the leadership. At this moment seven women in Lithuania have got senior officers' rank. Women themselves affirm that they feel comfortable with an arm in their hands and they can even look romantic. They are not afraid to sacrifice some years of their youth, hobbies and communication with their families for the military service.' When we say that this activity belongs only to men, it does not mean that it on the essence is connected only with men, but this activity is metaphorically understood as it belongs to some kind of men's category. Military respects the principal of the equality of sex. Women also can study at the Military Academy, serve at the professional military service, and work at the civil security of the country.
Databáze: OpenAIRE