Changing roles of andragogues and learners in technology enhanced teaching/learning

Autor: Abromavičienė, Daiva, Teresevičienė, Margarita, Volungevičienė, Airina
Jazyk: litevština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Andragogika 2013, Nr. 1 (4), p. 99-110.
ISSN: 2029-6894
Popis: Straipsnyje analizuojama, kaip technologijomis grįstas mokymas (TGM) apima visas mokymo formas, kurios susijusios su informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų, mobiliųjų įrengimų bei interneto naudojimu organizuojant ir vykdant mokymą. Sparčiai kintančios technologijos keičia tradicinio mokymo paradigmą ir jos dalyvių vaidmenis, daugiau atsakomybės suteikiant besimokančiajam. Taigi vienas svarbiausių švietimo uždavinių yra atsiliepti į virtualios visuomenės ir individualaus žmogaus poreikį įgyti ar pagilinti turimas žinias jam palankiu laiku, tempu, įprastoje vietoje ir naudojant technologijas. Andragogui taip pat reikia išsiugdyti naują požiūrį į besimokantįjį ir mokymo procesą. Pirmojoje dalyje aptariamas TGM kaip lankstus, atviras, nuotolinis mokymo būdas. Antroji ir trečioji dalys skirtos TGM dalyvių – andragogo ir besimokančiojo – vaidmenų pokyčiui išryškinti. [...] The object of the paper is change of roles of participants (andragogues and learners) in technology enhanced teaching/learning. The aim of the paper is to analyse the changing roles of participants (andragogues and learners) in technology enhanced teaching/learning. The tasks of the paper: discussing technology based teaching/learning, introducing its main characteristics; identifying the requirements for andragogue, triggered by technology enhanced teaching/learning; introducing the role of learner in technology enhanced teaching/learning. Methods of the research are analysis of scientific literature. Technology enhanced teaching/learning as a form of teaching/learning is tailored to teach/learn or organise distant, electronic, online, etc. teaching/learning applying technologies, also, to make any type of interactions and to make other actions related to teaching/learning online. Technology enhanced teaching/learning includes distant, virtual and e-learning. Technology enhanced teaching/learning is defined as open, flexible, mixed and distance learning based on individual time, pace and place of learning. The main requirements for andragogue in technology enhanced teaching/learning are as follows: y Ability to match technologies and principles of didactics because technologies are only additional means to encourage internal learner’s motivation and creative teaching/learning. Development of cooperative teaching/learning environment in physical as well as virtual environment by selecting and applying certain technological means. Development and application of teaching/learning contents for mobile technologies taking into consideration learner’s needs thus individualize teaching/learning contents as well as select suitable means of technology (mobile telephones, laptops and tablets, different operational systems etc.). Technology enhanced teaching/learning gives learner opportunity to choose WHAT, HOW, WHEN and WHERE to learn, and obliges him to take responsibility for teaching/learning process because teaching is being replaced by self-teaching where learner must control his own learning process. Only the learner with strong internal motivation and aims is able to achieve expected results.
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