Educational factors affecting positive attitude of pupils towards science subjects

Autor: Pečiuliauskienė, Palmira
Jazyk: litevština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Pedagogika 2012, 105, p. 32-39.
ISSN: 1392-0340
Popis: Straipsnyje aprašomi nacionalinių mokinių pasiekimų tyrimų (2004–2008 m. m.) antrinės analizės rezultatai. Nagrinėjama, kaip tiriamojo pobūdžio veiklos planavimas, informacijos paieška tradiciniuose ir netradiciniuose informacijos šaltiniuose, nagrinėjamų reiškinių priežasčių paaiškinimas, išvadų formulavimas, žinių taikymas gyvenimiškose situacijose ugdo VI ir X klasės mokinių teigiamą požiūrį į gamtamokslinius dalykus. Atliktas tyrimas – viena iš tarptautinio S-TEAM (Science-Teacher Education Advanced Methods) projekto veiklų, susijusi su gamtamokslinių dalykų patrauklumo didinimo įžvalgomis. Technologies become sophisticated very quickly in modern society, so new technological solutions are adapted in practice and daily life. Therefore, the unique situation is formed during conditions of intensive technological progress, as interest of pupils towards science (biology, chemistry and physics) subjects decreases and related professions become unpopular. Increase of pupils’ motivation towards science subjects becomes an important problem of policy makers, teacher educators and in-service science teachers. There are many factors affecting motivation of pupils towards science subjects in modern educational practice. External factors could form positive attitude of pupils, such as cooperative projects of pupils, teachers and scientists, joint programs and dissemination of research activities. Some internal factors related with educational practice and constructivistic learning paradigm (integrated teaching and structured coordinated research) are important as well. Pupils with the help of teachers plan laboratory works, search for necessary information in traditional sources of information (texts, tables, diagrams or charts), explain reasons of different phenomena, formulate conclusions and apply knowledge in daily life. The secondary analysis of data of national surveys (2004 and 2006) revealed that there is statistical relationship between the attitude of pupils towards attractiveness of science subjects and types of activities related with structured-coordinated research. Statistically significant coefficients of correlation were determined between different investigative activities (search for the information, plan laboratory works, search for data in natural environment, formulate conclusions, explain reasons of phenomena, and use information in truelife situations) and positive attitude towards science subjects. The secondary analysis of data of national surveys showed statistically significant correlations among activities related to structured-coordinated research: search for the information, planning of laboratory works, search for data in natural environment, formulation of conclusions, explanation of reasons of phenomena, and usage of information in true-life situations. High coefficients of correlation were revealed between explanation of reasons of phenomena and application of knowledge in true-life situations, as well as formulation of conclusions. Pupils start understanding phenomena of nature only after the realization of their reasons, so they can apply knowledge in daily life and predict possible results. The understood phenomena become clear and attractive, so they encourage future interest to other phenomena and science itself as well. The secondary analysis of data of national surveys (2004, 2006 and 2008) revealed statistically significant differences between the attitude of the sixth grade pupils studying integrated science course and the tenth grade pupils studying separate science subjects allowed making the conclusion that the integrated course was more attractive. It is necessary to apply the principle of integral relationships helping formation of the holistic view towards nature while teaching non-integrated science subjects. Pupils should understand peculiarities of biology, chemistry and physics, and uniqueness of their concepts in the context of integral science.
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