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Visuomenėje pradžios mokyklų mokytojai buvo labai svarbūs, mat buvo baigiama įvesti visuotinį privalomą vaikų mokymą keturmetėje, o vėliau ir šešiametėje pradžios mokykloje. Šių mokyklų mokytojai dažnai buvo vieninteliai arba gausiausi inteligentijos atstovai tuomet itin tankiai gyventuose kaimuose ar miesteliuose. Jie ne tik mokė vaikus, kurių daugumai pradinis išsilavinimas buvo vienintelis organizuotas jų mokymasis, bet ir aktyviai dalyvaudavo visuomeninių organizacijų veikloje. Todėl nuo 1929 m. pradėti organizuoti karinio rengimo kursai ir pradžios mokyklų mokytojams bei mokytojoms. Baigę juos, mokytojai galėjo sėkmingiau integruoti visų mokomųjų dalykų mokymą su pradiniu kariniu mokinių rengimu, taip pat vadovauti šiam rengimui visuomenėje. Kursų organizavimu nesitenkinta. Karinio rengimo dalykas imtas dėstyti mokytojų seminarijose ir Respublikos pedagoginiame institute Klaipėdoje, rengusiuose pradžios mokyklų mokytojus. Teachers of primary schools played a very important role in the society of those times. The introduction of universal compulsory education of all children at four-year – later six-year – primary school was being completed. Often teachers of primary schools were the only and most abundant representatives of intelligentsia in populous villages and boroughs of that period. They taught children (for a majority of those children, the primary education was the last phase of their organized training) and took an active part in the activities of public organizations. So, courses for teachers of primary schools (both males and females) in military training were arranged since the year 1929. After completion of such courses, the teachers were able to integrate more successfully the initial military training in the totality of all other subjects and to guide this training in the community. However, the project on military training was not ended by arranging the courses. The study subject of military training was introduced at normal schools and the Republic Pedagogical Institute in Klaipėda where teachers for primary schools studied. Military training of the society executed by schools and teachers was fruitful. First of all, public events arranged by schools increased an interest of the community in the Army and respect to it; the struggle for the Independences and its heroes were recalled and all these circumstances improved the military patriotic education. It was very important in the postwar partisan struggles that were most abundant and long in Lithuania, as compared to other states occupied by the USSR. |