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Associated data to Jiménez-Alfaro et al (2021), Mediterranean Botany (accepted), including the complete dataset of native taxa from the Cantabrian Mountains, the list of non-natives (previously assigned to the study area) and the full list of Hieracium and Pilosella microspecies. Abstract:Wepresent the firststandardized listof the vascular flora of theCantabrian Mountains, a transitionalzonebetweentheEurosiberianand Mediterraneanbiogeographic regionsinnorthwesternSpain.The study areacomprises15,000km2divided intoUTMgrid cellsof10 km x 10 km,forwhichwerevisedoccurrence data reported in the Spanish Plant Information System (Anthos) and the online database of Iberian andMacaronesianVegetation (SIVIM).We used a semi-automatic procedure tostandardizetaxonomicalconceptsinto asinglelist ofnames,which was furtherupdatedby an expert-based revisionwith the support of national andregional literature.In the current version, the checklist of theCantabrian Mountainscontains2,338nativespeciesand subspecies,of which56areendemictothe study area.Thenomenclature of thechecklistfollowsEuro+Medin97% oftaxa, includingannotations when other criteria have been usedand for taxa with uncertain status.We alsoprovidealistof492non-nativetaxathat were erroneously reported in the study area, a list of local apomictic taxa, aphylogenetic treelinked to The Plant List, astandardizedcalculationofEllenbergEcologicalIndicator Values for80% of the flora,andinformation about life forms, IUCN threat categoriesand legalprotection status. Our reviewdemonstrates how the Cantabrian mountains represent a key floristic region with 42% oftheplant species reported in the Iberian Peninsula and a critical biogeographical hub insouthwestern Europe.The checklist and allrelatedinformationarefreely accessiblein adigital repositoryfor further useinbasic and applied research. |