Matriosche: nonne, madri e nipoti. Tre esempi di genealogie femminili nella letteratura italiana del Novecento. Matriosche: grandmothers, mothers and granddaughters. Three examples of female genealogies in Italian literature of twentieth

Autor: Cerrato D.
Jazyk: italština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Studia Romanica Posnaniensia 45/3 (2018): 73-81 Starting from the myth, culture and society have always opposed the construction of a matriarchal line and a genealogy of women. The paper address the generational relationships between women, and focuses on three novel Italian Novecento women writers: Susanna Tamaro, Michela Murgia and Milena Agus. Tamaro, Murgia and Agus conform an atypical female genealogy in their novels, and propose new models of identity in opposition to the patriarchal system.
Databáze: OpenAIRE