Making space for garbage cans:How emergent groups organize social media spaces to orchestrate widescale helping in a crisis

Autor: Burke, Gary, Omidvar, Omid, Agnessa, Spanellis, Pyrko, Igor
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Burke, G, Omidvar, O, Agnessa, S & Pyrko, I 2022, ' Making space for garbage cans : How emergent groups organize social media spaces to orchestrate widescale helping in a crisis ', Organization Studies .
Popis: During the Covid-19 pandemic, citizens self-organized at an unprecedented scale to support vulnerable people in neighbourhoods, towns, and cities. Drawing on an in-depth study of an online volunteering group that emerged at the beginning of the pandemic and helped thousands of people in a UK city, we unpack how citizens co-construct social media spaces to orchestrate helping activity during a crisis. Conceptualizing a novel synthesis of classical garbage can theory and virtual space, we reveal how emergent groups use 'spatial partitioning' and 'spatial mapping' to create a multi-layered spatial architecture that distributes decision-making and invites impromptu choice occasions: spontaneous matchmaking, proximal chance connects, and speculative attraction. Our insights extend the study of emergent organizing and decision-making in crises. Furthermore, we advance a new line of theorizing which exploits garbage can theory, beyond its existing application in classical decision sciences, to posit a spatial view of organizing that paves the way for its novel applications in organization studies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE