Partnership by Law?:The pre-proceedings process for famiies on the edge of care proceedings

Autor: Masson, Judith M, Dickens, Jonathan, Bader, Kay F, Young, Julie
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Masson, J M, Dickens, J, Bader, K F & Young, J 2013, Partnership by Law? The pre-proceedings process for famiies on the edge of care proceedings . School of Law, University of Bristol, Bristol .
Popis: The pre-proceedings process was introduced in 2008 as part of the PLO reforms to care proceedings. Its aim was to divert child protection casesfrom the couts, to ensure local authority applications were better prepared and to reduce the time courts took to decide these cases. Local authorities were required to send a letter before proceedings to parents explaining their concerns and invite them to a pre-proceedings meeting to discuss how proceedings could be avoided. Lewgal aid was made available so that parents could have legal advice and support at this meeting.Partnership by Law? provides an account of the operation and impact of the pre-proceedings process, on the basis of a mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative study conducted in 6 local authorites in England and Wales. It outlines the development of the pre-proceedings process, its theoretical foundations, its effectiveness in terms of the original aims and identifies areas for development of policy and practice.
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