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У статті досліджуються актуальні питання шляху залучення пасивних студентів до активних занять фізичною культурою. Надалі результати аналізу необхідно розглядати як питання вдосконалення форм, змісту процесу фізичного виховання сучасної молоді. Research methods of physical training is organically linked with the study of patterns of development and functioning of the body of students, taking into account the peculiarities of teaching to enhance their physical health as a factor in the development of an integrated dynamic system. Physical education as an academic discipline in higher education institutions have a special role in the preparation of modern specialists, the formation of his personality. Significant differences in their specific content from other subjects in high school, the discipline is intended to provide for the physical readiness of the future experts for work, and actively promote their full and harmonious development. We know that physical education, being an integral part of the overall organic culture in the society, has a multi-functional capabilities. In high school, she realized in the pedagogical process in the framework of the subject "Physical Education" and in various forms of motor activity of students and amateur forms of physical training. At present, the importance of this subject in higher education has been increasing due to certain social factors, that is, the demand for professionals with a high level of efficiency. The study of the passive attitude of the person in physical education shows that the dominant in its motivational sphere is the desire to circumvent the educational - training process of exercise, explaining the various reasons caused, as a rule, the imperfection of social - psychological relations of the individual, and often ignorance of the critical role of motor activity for good health В статье исследуются актуальные вопросы пути привлечения пассивных студентов к активным занятиям физической культурой. В дальнейшем результате анализа необходимо рассматривать вопросы совершенствования форм, содержания процесса физического воспитания современной молодежи. |