Popis: |
Посилення інтересу вітчизняної науки до вивчення урбанізації українських міст у литовсько-польський період, їхніх регіональних ознак та ролі замків у розвитку соціально-просторової структури міста спонукає вивчати матеріальну культуру історичних міст, зокрема Східного Поділля ХІІІ–XVІ ст., прикордонної території на межі зі Степом. У даній статті публікуються матеріали археологічних і антропологічних досліджень на Замковій горі (Старе місто) у м. Вінниці — столиці Брацлавського воєводства з кінця ХVІ ст. Recently, the interest of national science in studying the urbanization process of Ukrainian cities in the Lithuanian-Polish period has growing. This process took place in the complex conditions of constant attacks from the southern neighbors. This is especially true for the cities of Eastern Podillya Region (River Bug basin) in the ХІІІ–ХVІ centuries, a border area at the junction with the Steppe, which was a buffer zone during the raids of the Crimean Tatars and Turks. This article publishes the results of archaeological research in Vinnytsia, which allowed to clarify the original foundation of the city. It was possible to trace the development of its socio-spatial structure and its polycentrism, the interaction of indigenous features of the Kievan Rus’ time with Eastern and Western cultures in everyday life, house-building (presence of raw bricks in the buildings of ХІІІ–ХV centuries, and finger-bricks — in the cultural layer of the ХVI century). During the research, at least two places with materials of the ХІІІ–ХV centuries were noted (one of them was fortified). The excavations on the Castle Hill in the Old Town have proved that Vinnytsia Castle, destroyed by a quarry in the XIX century, was built on the settlement of the Kyivan-Rus’ time in the XIII century. This was confirmed by the remains of dwellings from the middle of the XIII to the beginning of the XIV centuries, built according to the Kievan Rus’ tradition, which were excavated in the suburb. The suburb was repeatedly set on fire, and housing was rebuilt. On the territory of one of the estates, six furnaces were recorded, located one above the other with a slight offset. The material culture of the suburbs in ХІІІ–ХV centuries was marked by poor findings, consisting mainly of pottery made on a hand-made potter’s wheels. These are pots of medium and small size, decorated with one or more wavy lines. No ceramic tableware was found, apparently wooden utensils were used. Archaeological research in Vinnytsia has shown that the primary city in the post-Mongol period was genetically related to the Kyivan-Rus’ settlement on the Castle Hill, and a suburb with manor houses buildings was located on the site. Anthropological analysis of materials from burials of the XVIII-XIX centuries in the Old Town testifies to the affiliation of Vinnytsia residents to a large Europeoid race. They are characterized by brachycrania, relatively wide and well-profiled face, strongly protruded nose, moderately high orbits and fully matches with the Central Ukrainian craniological type. The closest in anthropological characteristics to the inhabitants of Vinnytsia were the populations of the territory of Volyn’. |