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В статті було розглянуто поняття та способи утворення неологізмів в сучасній англійській мові, а також досліджені та проаналізовані лексичні новоутворення та їх класифікації на прикладі мови інтернет-ресурсів. This article explores English neologisms in the spheres of information technologies based on the Internet resources. Neologisms and their most essential classification are observed and studied in the article. The most widely used classifications of neologisms according to their ways and methods of creation are clarified. The meanings of neologisms and their influence on the language and language flow in the modern world are identified as well.Due to rapidly developed computer technologies and the Internet, the neologisms and new words are created very quickly and constantly. It is important to state that English is enriched about 800 words yearly. However, it would take a long time to consolidate the position of new words in a language, and to make their content comprehensible to an average citizen. The similar situation is observed with the use of widely used words in a new meaning in other spheres of communication. Along with new inventions and devices, new software is emerging, for example, we now are not able to imagine our lives without search engines and systems, as well as the internet, or devices such as a smartphone. All these phenomena, accompanied by the formation of new vocabulary units, and information resources that have a target audience, namely professional users of information technology products. They provide the spread of the latest vocabulary (i.e. neologisms), its socialization (acceptance in society), and then lexicalization (consolidation in language). We can speculate that neologisms are one of the linguistic means that reflects cultural and technological progress in society. Modern humanity lives in the age of information, the main feature of which is computer technology. That is why the problem of the existence and functioning of the Internet language is urgent. The issue of computer language usage has been studied since the first computer was created in the mid-twentieth century. The researches were carried out by prominent scientists in different countries of the world. It might be added that various aspects of the impact of computer communication on language and vice versa were researched, as well as the relation between the development of lexical units and their ways of appearing in language.But it is essential to note that there are linguistic classifications of neologisms. The first one is according to the way of formation, namely, it names a new subject and gives the old concept a new name in order to renew and refresh the language. The emergence of neologisms of the first type is necessary to name a new phenomena in society, but the second type arises involuntarily. They could also be divided into lexical, authorial, individual-stylistic, phonological, loanwords, semantic and syntactic neologisms. They are also morphological according to the methods of creation, for example, defriend, web master, googlable and facebookian. As for shortening and abbreviation, we could define that such as methods are most widely used in English (CPU – Computing processing unit). To sum up, neologism is one way to increase the vocabulary of the language and a means of generating names for new phenomena in society. They appear in all areas of our lives, but they have gained the most development in the field of information technology because this area is the fastest growing in the world today. Since the primary purpose is to name a new subject, most modern neologisms belong to the lexical group, and they are called a new phenomenon because in our time, a new information revolution is taking place and this process is accompanied by the formation of new concepts and phenomena that need new words. It is also not surprising that the percentage of authorial neologisms is now growing, which has expanded significantly with the development of social networks and independent authors. They form a certain initial group of speakers, sometimes quite large, as the accounts of certain IT journalists have up to one and a half million followers, so the spread of these neologisms is extremely rapid. |