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Розглянута система комплексних параметрів, що застосовується при технологічному забезпечення експлуатаційних властивостей деталей блочно-модульних токарних різців, методика двоступінчастого забезпечення даних властивостей, із застосуванням графічних методів системної оптимізації. Наведені конструкції токарських інструментів, їх системний аналіз і результати експериментальних досліджень. The system of complex parametres is considered which was applied to technological maintenance of field-performance data of details of block and modular turning cutters. The technique of two-level maintenance of these properties with application of graphic methods of system optimization is considered. Designs of turning cutters, their system analysis and results of experimental researches are considered. The purpose: the Exposition of block-modular turning cutting tools as plant of technological probe at security of their operation properties, systematisation of methods of simulation with application of complex parametres of a condition of surfaces. Probe: Consists in apply the two-stage circuit of technological security of operation properties of surfaces of details of cutting tools with application of technological and settlement-design values of complex parametres with their subsequent comparison by certain criteria. Results: Probes of details of block-modular turning cutting tools have confirmed validity of a regulation of a condition of their surfaces by means of complex parametres. For block-modular turning cutting tools, their such indexes as linear deterioration, magnitude of destroying feeding, etc. at the same regulated parametres of quality of surfaces of details of these instruments, had a smaller variance of dispersion, than at use of a traditional technique of a regulation of a condition of their surfaces. Also, introduction of simulation of technological security of operation properties of surfaces of instruments, by means of system optimisation, allows in the course of working out of master schedules, most completely to use possibilities of methods of their handling. Рассмотрена система комплексных параметров, применяемая при технологическом обеспечении эксплуатационных свойств деталей блочно-модульных токарных резцов, методика двухступенчатого обеспечения данных свойств, с применением графических методов системной оптимизации. Приведены конструкции токарных инструментов, их системный анализ и результаты экспериментальных исследований. |