Динамічна тарифікація у системі електроживлення

Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Дисертаційна робота присвячена розробці динамічної тарифікації на основі рівняння економічного балансу та рівнянь, що описують динамічну зміну електротехнічних параметрів системи. Створена динамічна модель поєднує, з одного боку, енергетичні показники енергогенеруючої системи, а з іншого – економічні показники замкненої макроекономічної системи. За допомогою моделі досліджено вплив перехідних процесів генератора на зміну вартісних показників економічної системи, а також виконано прогнозування тарифної ціни для виробників та споживачів електроенергії. За допомогою лінеаризації диференційних рівнянь шляхом розкладання у ряд Тейлора в околі певної обраної точки була створена альтернативна динамічна електро-вартісна модель. Досліджено використання акумулятора при аварійному зменшенні рівня генерованої електроенергії. Запропоновано технічну реалізацію прототипу пристрою розрахунку динамічної вартості одиниці електроенергії на базі мікропроцесора ATmega328p для щосекундного розрахунку вартості базової частини електроенергії. The thesis is devoted to the development of the method of dynamic tariffing on the basis of the equation of economic balance and the equations describing the dynamic change of electrotechnical parameters of the system. The created dynamic model combines, on the one hand, energy indicators of the energy generating system, and on the other - economic indicators of the closed macroeconomic system. With the help of the model the influence of generator transients on the change of cost indicators of the economic system is investigated, and also the forecast of the tariff price for producers and consumers of the electric power is executed. Author gives a general description of autonomous generating systems, gives the types of equipment in such systems. The existing dynamic models of tariffs are considered and it is determined that for their realization it is necessary to have the ability of flexible and dynamic response. The author noted that the formation of the tariff price should be based on dynamic models, which will include the dynamic nature of the regulation of system capacity and stimulate the relevant desired actions. It is also necessary to take into account the influence of the parameters of transients on the cost of electricity when changing the parameters of the energy generating system. The shortcomings of the existing models are outlined, namely the disregard for the dynamic change of the generated power. Given the proposed approaches to the creation and implementation of dynamic charging by foreign scientists, it is determined that the question of the relevance of developing a model of flexible dynamic pricing for electricity consumers is relevant. The second section presents the relevance of creating flexible dynamic tariffication for local systems, which will provide an adequate tariff price for electricity. The duration of the generator transients has a direct impact on the economic parameters of the isolated system, i.e., the deviation of the real tariff price for electricity from the accepted static value set in the existing model of hourly tariffication. It was created a mathematical model that combines the electrical and economic parameters of an isolated power generation system with a diesel generator, and allows you to calculate the dynamic change in the tariff price with a dynamic change in the level of generated power, or vice versa. The algorithm for dynamic per - second tariffing allows to control and adjust certain values in the specified network parameters. The originality of the obtained calculation expression for the dynamic per-second estimate of the cost of the base part of energy (W∙sec) with small deviations relative to the point of rest, the algorithm for calculating the cost of the base part of the energy for some energy islands was confirmed by obtaining a certificate of registration of copyright in scientific work "Application of prosumers at the local level Smart Grid and taking into account the algorithm of dynamic tariffication" in co-authorship with M. V. Rybiy № 101337 of December 21, 2020. A study of the impact of macroeconomic parameters of the system on the change of its cost indicators and the duration of the transition process is done. By linearizing the differential equations by decomposing into a Taylor series in the vicinity of a certain selected point, an alternative dynamic electro-cost model was created. The use of the accumulator at emergency reduction of power level of the diesel generator is investigated. The author proposes a technical implementation of a prototype of a calculation device based on the ATmega328p microprocessor for per second calculation of the cost of the basic part of electricity. The work of the prototype of a smart electricity meter is also modeled on the example of two power generators.
Databáze: OpenAIRE