Calculation of filter-compensating converter with battery charge on the average values of currents and voltages

Autor: Mykolaiets, Dmytro Anatoliiovych, Zhuikov, Valerii Yakovich
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Електроніка та зв'язок : науково-технічний журнал, Т. 22, № 2(97)
Popis: Проаналізовані процеси в фільтро-компенсуючому перетворювачі з зарядом акумулятора постійним струмом. Приведений метод розрахуноку ємності та напруги накопичувального конденсатора з умови балансу енергій. Представлений спосіб розрахунку згладжуючого дроселя з використанням регулювальної характеристики перетворювача на робочому інтервалі та балансу енергій. The processes in a single-phase parallel type active power line conditioner with a DC battery charge are analyzed. The consistent use of the active power line conditioner with the energy storage provides both electromagnetic compatibility and uninterrupted power, so the issue of constructing this type of compensator as a system of guaranteed power is an urgent task. The purpose of this device is the formation of a sinusoidal current consumption, in-phase with the network voltage, while simultaneously ensuring the battery charge by DC current, which is usually carried out with the help of a buck converter. The construction of a power unit of this type of compensator allows you to use it in the mode of bridge inverter, which forms a variable supply voltage, this provides the mode of operation of the source of uninterruptible power supply at the loss of voltage in the network, which leads to discharge of the battery to the level of some acceptable minimum value. In the presence of network voltage, the filter-compensating converter provides both the compensation of the non-sinusoidal current and the charge of the battery, which substantially changes the operation of the active power line conditioner compared with the classical compensator. The purpose of the work is to bring out simplified expressions, which leads to a reduction in the software part of the calculation, and in accordance with the reduction of computing spending of the microprocessor control system by reducing the number of mathematical operations, which in turn leads to accelerating the calculation of control signals or reducing the delay of the control signal in the control system. Taking into account the relationship between the calculations for energy parameters and the control characteristic of the active power line conditioner at working intervals, expressions for calculating the reference currents and voltages, with simultaneously calculating the capacitance of the storage capacitor and the inductance of the smoothing inductor, can be made more visible and easy to use. Simplifying the process of calculating the voltage of the capacitor will significantly reduce the number of algebraic operations that a microprocessor must perform for controlling or stabilizing the voltage. The timing diagrams of compensator currents, as well as equivalent circuits at corresponding intervals of work are shown. The method of calculation of capacitance and voltage of a storage capacitor from conditions of balance of energies are given. The method of calculating of the smoothing inductor by the average values of currents and voltages with using the control characteristic of the converter on the working interval and the energy balance is presented. Проанализированы процессы в фильтро-компенсирующем преобразователе с зарядом аккумулятора постоянным током. Приведен метод расчёта емкости и напряжения накопительного конденсатора из условия баланса энергий. Представлен способ расчёта сглаживающего дросселя с использованием регулировочной характеристики преобразователя на рабочем интервале и баланса энергий.
Databáze: OpenAIRE