On the problem of implementation in Ukraine of criminal misconduct and distinguishing it from an administrative offense

Autor: Holosnichenko, I. P.
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Політологія. Соціологія. Право : збірник наукових праць
Popis: Показані цілеспрямованість Української держави на реформування адміністративного і кримінального законодавства, доцільність запровадження кримінального проступку. Виявлені ознаки розмежування адміністративних правопорушень і кримінальних проступків. The orientation of the Ukrainian state towards reforming of the administrative and criminal law, and the appropriateness of introducing of a criminal offense are shown. The signs of separation of the administrative offenses and criminal offenses are determined. It is reasonable to separate these illegal acts on the bases of such criteria as the degree of harm caused by their public relations, the type of the object of the offence, the subject of jurisdiction, the severity and type of penalties provided for by their commission, the subject of the offence. According to the degree of harmfulness of the offense, high, significant and low levels of social harm can be distinguished. The offense with the low level of social harm can be considered one of the signs of an administrative offense. It is advised to characterize the significant level of social harm as the criminal offense. It should be noted that in case of a positive solution by the legislator of the introduction of the criminal responsibility for the offense, that must be provided in tort law, it can be included to the latter a number of actions that are now classified as crimes and entail criminal liability, major sign of which is a criminal record. During the introduction of the institute of criminal misconduct it is necessary to conduct the reform of administrative responsibility that will focus primarily on the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, as the responsible for a criminal offense, by its nature, should not entail criminal record as a major sign of criminal responsibility. Moreover, during the commission of a criminal offense softer penalties should be provided. Показаны целенаправленность Украинского государства на реформирование административного и уголовного законодательства, целесообразность внедрения уголовного проступка. Выявлены признаки разграничения административных правонарушений и уголовных проступков.
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