Фільтрувальні композити на основі пороутворюючих матеріалів різного генезису

Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Дисертацію присвячено розвитку наукових засад хімічної технології виробництва пористих керамічних фільтрувальних матеріалів за умов розширення сировинної бази, підвищення експлуатаційної надійності та конкурентоспроможності. Досліджено склад, структуру і властивості поверхні різновидів вихідних матеріалів штучного та природного походження як сировини для виготовлення пористих фільтрувальних композитів поліфункціонального призначення. Сформульовані вимоги і розроблено нові раціональні склади фільтрувальних матеріалів на основі композицій сировини різного генезису при диференціації кількісного співвідношення компонентів, їх гранулометрії, звʼязуючих, умов формування та ступеню термічної обробки. Розроблено технологічні принципи застосування вихідних матеріалів різного генезису – керамічного шамоту та магматичних порід для виготовлення фільтрувальних композитів і внесено відповідні зміни в технічні умови на їх виробництво. Дослідно-промисловими випробуваннями на об’єктах промисловості та сільського господарства підтверджена ефективність виконаних науково-технічних розробок. The thesis is devoted to the development of scientific bases of chemical technology of production of porous ceramic filter materials under conditions of expansion of raw material base, increase of operational reliability and competitiveness. Comprehensive solution of issues of industrial development, life support and environmental protection has necessitated the implementation of filtration and purification of air, gases and liquids using porous materials. At the same time, attention is paid to expanding the range of such materials, increasing the performance and operational reliability. Elements of porous ceramics, which were produced in Ukraine at the Slavyansky ceramic plant, became practically widespread in filtration and purification systems. However, the constant expansion of applications and technical requirements for porous ceramics requires further modernization of their technology based on the deepening of scientific ideas about the criteria for selecting raw materials, their physical and chemical properties and features of the structure of products. Known developments in the technology of porous ceramics are mainly based on the use of highly concentrated dispersed systems based on resource-intensive ceramic fireclay, made by high-temperature firing of refractory clays. The analysis of the filler as a factor influencing the formation of the structure and properties of the products is reduced to the variation of its particle size distribution. In most known developments, the structural characteristics of filter ceramics are limited by indicators of total or open porosity. The cleaning efficiency is associated with a decrease in pore diameter while reducing productivity. Further development of competitive national production, increasing the range and directions of use of porous ceramics are inextricably linked with the expansion of raw materials, development of new mass compositions, improvement of technological processes and equipment, absorption of scientific ideas about the connection composition - structure - properties in highly concentrated dispersed silicate systems. The aim of this work is to develop scientific and technical principles of national production of competitive porous ceramics waiting for cleaning, irrigation and aeration systems by expanding the raw material base, establishing patterns of formation of the pore structure of filter ceramics based on fillers of different genesis. A set of physicochemical and instrumental methods of analysis and standardized testing were used for research. Lyophilicity and wettability by polar and nonpolar liquid were evaluated by the improved technique of B.V. Deryagin. The structure and phase composition were determined using X-ray phase, electron microscopic and infrared methods of physicochemical analysis. Processing of experimental results was carried out using the methods of mathematical statistics. The composition, structure and surface properties of varieties of raw materials of artificial (ceramic fireclay) and natural (magmatic rocks) origin as the main raw material – fillers and man-made cutting additives for the manufacture of porous filter composites for multifunctional purposes have been studied. New rational compositions of porous ceramics based on raw materials of different genesis with differentiation of varieties and quantitative ratio of components, porous man-made additives and the degree of heat treatment have been created. Technological principles of application of initial materials of different genesis for production of elements of ceramics as filter composites taking into account an energy condition and lyophilicity of a surface of pore structure are developed. The design has been improved and the industrial production of porous ceramic elements for technical systems of aeration and water purification and soil irrigation has been made.
Databáze: OpenAIRE
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