Organizational commitment levels of high school teachers in terms of various variables

Autor: Şahin Fırat, Necla, Çimen, Mehmet
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: This research was conducted to investigate the organizational commitment perceptions of high schoolteachers in terms of various variables. The survey model was used in this research, which was conductedwith the quantitative research model.Research data was collected through "Personal Information Form" and “Organizational CommitmentScale”, which was developed by Meyer, Allen and Smith (1993) and adapted into Turkish by Dağlı, Elçiçekand Han (2018). In the scale, organizational commitment is conceptualised in three dimensions: affective,continuance and normative commitment. The scale was applied to 440 teachers working in public highschools in the Salihli district of Manisa. The collected data were transferred to the SPSS program andfrequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standart deviation, t-test, ANOVA and LSD tests were performed.According to the research results; affective commitment of high school teachers is at the level of agree.Continuance commitment, normative commitment and general organizational commitment are at the levelof neutral. The level of organizational commitment of male high school teachers was found to be higherthan female high school teachers in the general commitment and in the affective commitment dimension ofthe scale. There was no significant difference in terms of gender in the dimensions of continuancecommitment and normative commitment. When high school teachers with 2 children are compared withteachers who have no children and 1 child, it has been revealed that organizational commitment levels arehigher in general organizational commitment and continuance commitment dimension of the scale. In thedimensions of affective and normative commitment, there is no significant difference in terms of the numberof children variable. High school teachers with Associate/Bachelor's degrees have higher perceptions ofcontinuance, normative and general organizational commitment than high school teachers with master’s anddoctorate-degree graduate education. There was no significant difference in terms of education level in thedimension of affective commitment. Teachers working in Religious Vocational High School and AnatolianHigh School/Social Sciences High Schools have higher levels of affective, normative and generalorganizational commitment compared to teachers working in Vocational and Technical Anatolian HighSchools. In the dimension of continuance commitment, there was no significant difference in terms of thetype of high school. High school teachers who have worked in the same school for 11 years or more have ahigher level of continuance commitment than teachers who have worked for 0-5 years and 6-10 years. Therewas no significant difference in the affective, normative and general organizational commitment levels ofteachers concerning the term of employment in the same school.
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