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Dysmenorrhea is a common condition, highly trivialized by women. Adolescent girls, particularly affected by these pains, appear uninformed about this subject and organic pathologies such as endometriosis suffer from a disabling diagnosis delay. Puberty is also the period during which the firstmigraine attacks occur for many women. The link between migraines and menstrual cycles is well documented but we lack information on the association with dysmenorrhea. The goal of our study, including 202 adolescent girls in a precarious situation, is to assess the prevalence, management and impact of dysmenorrhea.Secondly, we aim to evaluate a possible link between migraines and dysmenorrhea. In our population, dysmenorrhea affects 75.2% of girls, of severe intensity for 23.8%.Compared to asymptomatic girls, these pains are the cause of school absenteism(45.6% vs 6.1%,p |