Wizerunek pracownika biblioteki akademickiej kreowany w polskiej literaturze fachowej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego

Autor: Lewkowicz, Piotr
Rok vydání: 2011
bibliotekarstwo akademickie
Biblioteka jako "trzecie miejsce". Międzynarodowa Konferencja Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
bibliotekarstwo polskie
Popis: Artykuł został opublikowany w materiałach konferencyjnych: Biblioteka jako "trzecie miejsce". Międzynarodowa Konferencja Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego,31.05-2.06.2011, Łódź The paper is the survey of the polish professional literature on librarianship from the years 1918–1939 addressed to the academic librarians. We present how the authors formed the outlook upon the book and the work in the library, how they induced on the librarian’s environment and what was their role in creating the attitudes and bears of the academic libraries workers. The examples from the librarianship literature of the interwar period show us the ways of solving the problems of collecting, working out and lending the different kinds of library materials and of the interlibrary co-operation in Poland and abroad. These examples reveal how newest were views of the polish academic librarians leaders on library standardization, management, marketing, benchmarking and the presence of library and librarians in the academic space. After thorough analysis of all these texts we can say that the interwar period played an essential role in forming contemporary principles of library work and crystalizing the position of the academic libraries workers in the scientists midst and in polish librarian’s environment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE