Klasyfikacja Biblioteki Kongresu (KBK) - dziewiętnastowieczna klasyfikacja piśmiennictwa w bibliotece XXI wieku

Autor: Lewkowicz, Piotr, Stolarczyk, Tomasz
Rok vydání: 2010
Popis: Artykuł został opublikowany w materiałach konferencyjnych: Stare i nowe w bibliotece. Współpraca czy konkurencja. Konferencja Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 3-5 VI 2009, Łódź The Library of Congress Classification (LCC) – the nineteenth-century literary classification in the library of twenty first century. We looked for the signs of Library of Congress Classification in the polish library literary. Till nineties of 20th century, papers on it were rather sketchy and didn’t initiate the essence of the matter. Only then three polish academic libraries brought LCC into practice the descriptions bringing us near to the principles of the Classification. We deal with the case of bringing up to date LCC for example of the class H i s t o r y and examine it’s reaction on the world political changes and on growth of literary on them. We described modernizations in LCC relating to history of selected countries and regions in Europe, Asia and Africa, to the history of Jews, Romanies and Gipsies. In recapitulation we can say that the Library of Congress Classification still extends and it’s texts and users treatment can change the way of work in the polish academic libraries.
Databáze: OpenAIRE