Lithuanian Topographical Map of Scale 1:50 000

Autor: Kazakevičius, Stasys Vytautas, Krikštaponis, Boleslovas, Tumelienė, Eglė
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Popis: Creation of new topographical maps was proceeding after the independence of Lithuania and prepared to become the member of NATO. Map of scale 1:50 000 was selected as the best, which meet the requirements of NATO. Agreement of collaboration was prepared between National Service of Geodesy (VGT) in Lithuania and Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) in USA at 1994. DMA supervise production of topographical maps follow the standards of NATO. Systematic publishing of maps of scale 1:50 000 was proceeded from 1997 until 2004. Maps which overtake all territory of Lithuania and edges of neighbours countries was situated at 146 trapeze sheets, which frames sizes 30´ by longitude and 10´ by latitude. Maps was created in 34 and 35 zones of Universal Traverse Mercator (UTM) projection. Rectangular coordinates are calculated as a background to use ellipsoid coordinates of ETRS 89 system. Conclude creation of map of scale 1:50 000 by standards of NATO second edition of such map was prepared. This edition was prepared to use Lithuanian coordinate system LKS 94 and follow the dividing of sheets and numbering principles of Lithuanian topographical maps. Maps of second edition was finished at 2004. This maps are situated at 131 square sheets. Lithuanian topographic map of scale 1:5000 is valuable source of information where is cumulated detail and informative modern cartographical view of state territory.
Databáze: OpenAIRE