Recent progress in ETSI TC SmartBAN standardization

Autor: Hämäläinen, M. (Matti), Mucchi, L. (Lorenzo), Paso, T. (Tuomas), Anzai, D. (Daisuke), Tanaka, H. (Hirokazu), Lanting, C. J. (Cees J.M.), Hernandez, M. (Marco)
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: In this paper we are updating the current status of the development of the smart body area network standardization process carried out at ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute under the Technical Committee Smart Body Area Networks, TC SmartBAN. Due to the increasing interest in monitoring personal health and wellness related vital signs, daily activity and so on, a person is nowadays, and in the future expected even more, to carry various wearable interconnected sensing devices. This forms a base for creating and using wireless body area networks (WBAN), which can simplify the architecture to link various wearable sensor nodes distributed around a human body jointly with a low-power radio and sensing technologies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE