World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Second joint meeting of experts on targets and indicators for health and well-being in Health 2020

Autor: Peter Achterberg, Jose Luis Ayuso-Mateos, Jane Barrett, Romina Boarini, Robert A Cummins, Marleen De Smedt, Nick Fahy, Mike Gissler, Paulo Gomes, Mag Robert Griebler, Matilde Leonardi, Jutta Lindert, Hugh Markowe, Bosse Pettersson, Karen Scott, Alessandro Tinto, Coen van Gool, Arpana Verma, Marieke Verschuuren, Miroslaw Wysocki, Mark Jackson, Daniel O'Connor, Nils Fietje, Enrique Loyola, Claudia Stein, Marco Martuzzi, Somnath Chatterji
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: The second joint meeting of experts on targets and indicators for health and well-being in Health 2020 was convened to identify objective well-being indicators to complement the subjective well-being indicator already adopted for Health 2020. The meeting recommended that objective well-being be assessed across four domains: social connections/relationships, economic security/income, natural and built environment, and education. Indicators for these domains were recommended as follows: two new core indicators (availability of social support for the domain of social connections/relationships; and percentage of the population with improved sanitation facilities for the domain of natural and built environment); three core indicators already in Health 2020 monitoring (GINI coefficient and unemployment rate, disaggregated by age and sex, for the domain of economic security/income; and percentage of children of primary school age not enrolled for the domain of education); three new additional indicators (percentage of people aged 65 and over living alone for the domain of social connections/relationships; total household consumption for the domain of economic security/income; and percentage of the population having completed at least secondary education for the domain of education).
Databáze: OpenAIRE